Monday, June 29, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Fwd: File - Welcome

ooh yes I definitely want him staring at me hahaha...Dude if my hubby would have let me put up an Edward poster in our bedroom I would have been all over that hahaha!!! As it is he got me a Twilight necklace and Team Edward hoddie for Christmas not to mention that he puts up with how Twilight has taken over my life muahahaso I guess I will give him a break on the no poster in the bedroom thing lol

<3 Juliana (list mommy)
   Edwardian "Go Team Edward"

For almost ninety years I've walked among my kind, and yours…
all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything, because you weren't alive yet.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.304

While you were sleeping I figured out everything,
I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me.
The Spill Canvas- Lullaby (Lyrics)

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Catherine Turney <> wrote:

Welcome to the family!
I am excatly like you lol.. My mom thought something was wrong with me because I was in my room all 4 days it took me to read one. I didn't sleep most of the nights. My mom got freaked out by the Edward poster I put in my room. She was like"honey do u really want a scary looking guy and not to mention he is a vampire to keep staring at you while you sleep?? I was like YES!!1

From: Juliana Curtis <>
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 4:59:52 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Fwd: File - Welcome

Welcome to the family Cheryl we are so happy to have you!!!! I absolutely LOVE your idea for "Esme Cullen's Guide To Making Your Home SPARKLE!" ...I would definitely buy that and figure out ways to make it part of my daily routine tehehe..Oooh and my husband had to fend for himself just like your kids one point he came up to me and asked if something was wrong (cuz I did nothing, but read for a week straight) haha and I told him the only thing that was wrong was that he was keeping me from finding out what happened next in Twilight hahaha. So anyways baby welcome to the fam...make yourself at home and let us know if you need anything at all :-)

<3 Juliana (list mommy/list owner)
   Edwardian "Go Team Edward"

For almost ninety years I've walked among my kind, and yours…
all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything, because you weren't alive yet.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.304

While you were sleeping I figured out everything,
I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me.
The Spill Canvas- Lullaby (Lyrics)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cheryl <enchanteddreams@>
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: File - Welcome
To: BellaAndEdward Moderator <BellaAndEdward- owner@yahoogroup>

So please tell us a little about yourself

Name? Cheryl

Where you're from?  Florida- too sunny for the Cullens :(

Your favorite book? If I HAD to pick...Breaking Dawn

Your Favorite Character and why?  Alice- I like her gracefulness and her clothes obsession, and the fact that she's good enough to get the upper hand with Jasper when they are training for the fight. Beautiful, graceful, and lethal :) Oh, wait... does it have to be Bella or Edward?

Your favorite Edward and Bella scene? The first time they kiss when she's a vampire.

Your craziest obsessive Twilight moment?
(for example: I was so desperate to keep reading that I read while pumping gas on my way to work)  This makes me happy- shows true obsession ! I read all four books in four days, staying up until three or four in the morning to finish. I told the kids that if they wanted food they would have to get it themselves.  Everything I had to do, I did as fast as I could to get back to the books. Oh, and my kids are teenagers, so they could get their own food :)

Anything else you want to tell us?
Not ashamed to admit that I am totally obsessed with twilight. I never put bumper stickers on my car. Ever.  Now I have a twilight sticker!  And one that says  Be safe. Only those brilliant people reading the book will figure that one out. Everyone else I'm speeding around will just wonder.  I was in a taco place the other day, and I was wearing a shirt that said..."Twilight, not just an obsession- an alternate reality".I saw a guy in front of me read the shirt, then poke his dad so he would read it.  I'm assuming his mom was a fan :)
    Favorite descriptive word I've found so far...twitarded.   My daughter says it suits me perfectly.   That's fine with me :) I'm still rereading the books daily, with time outs to watch some of the movie.  Now I want to Cullenize my house.  After all, Rosalie didn't spit in Jacob's food because it would have offended Esme for her to do that to a guest.  I need someone to write a book titlrd ""

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Re: [BellaAndEdward] Fwd: File - Welcome

Welcome to the family!
I am excatly like you lol.. My mom thought something was wrong with me because I was in my room all 4 days it took me to read one. I didn't sleep most of the nights. My mom got freaked out by the Edward poster I put in my room. She was like"honey do u really want a scary looking guy and not to mention he is a vampire to keep staring at you while you sleep?? I was like YES!!1

From: Juliana Curtis <>
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 4:59:52 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Fwd: File - Welcome

Welcome to the family Cheryl we are so happy to have you!!!! I absolutely LOVE your idea for "Esme Cullen's Guide To Making Your Home SPARKLE!" ...I would definitely buy that and figure out ways to make it part of my daily routine tehehe..Oooh and my husband had to fend for himself just like your kids one point he came up to me and asked if something was wrong (cuz I did nothing, but read for a week straight) haha and I told him the only thing that was wrong was that he was keeping me from finding out what happened next in Twilight hahaha. So anyways baby welcome to the fam...make yourself at home and let us know if you need anything at all :-)

<3 Juliana (list mommy/list owner)
   Edwardian "Go Team Edward"

For almost ninety years I've walked among my kind, and yours…
all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything, because you weren't alive yet.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.304

While you were sleeping I figured out everything,
I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me.
The Spill Canvas- Lullaby (Lyrics)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cheryl <enchanteddreams@>
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: File - Welcome
To: BellaAndEdward Moderator <BellaAndEdward- owner@yahoogroup>

So please tell us a little about yourself

Name? Cheryl

Where you're from?  Florida- too sunny for the Cullens :(

Your favorite book? If I HAD to pick...Breaking Dawn

Your Favorite Character and why?  Alice- I like her gracefulness and her clothes obsession, and the fact that she's good enough to get the upper hand with Jasper when they are training for the fight. Beautiful, graceful, and lethal :) Oh, wait... does it have to be Bella or Edward?

Your favorite Edward and Bella scene? The first time they kiss when she's a vampire.

Your craziest obsessive Twilight moment?
(for example: I was so desperate to keep reading that I read while pumping gas on my way to work)  This makes me happy- shows true obsession ! I read all four books in four days, staying up until three or four in the morning to finish. I told the kids that if they wanted food they would have to get it themselves.  Everything I had to do, I did as fast as I could to get back to the books. Oh, and my kids are teenagers, so they could get their own food :)

Anything else you want to tell us?
Not ashamed to admit that I am totally obsessed with twilight. I never put bumper stickers on my car. Ever.  Now I have a twilight sticker!  And one that says  Be safe. Only those brilliant people reading the book will figure that one out. Everyone else I'm speeding around will just wonder.  I was in a taco place the other day, and I was wearing a shirt that said..."Twilight, not just an obsession- an alternate reality".I saw a guy in front of me read the shirt, then poke his dad so he would read it.  I'm assuming his mom was a fan :)
    Favorite descriptive word I've found so far...twitarded.   My daughter says it suits me perfectly.   That's fine with me :) I'm still rereading the books daily, with time outs to watch some of the movie.  Now I want to Cullenize my house.  After all, Rosalie didn't spit in Jacob's food because it would have offended Esme for her to do that to a guest.  I need someone to write a book titlrd ""

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[BellaAndEdward] Fwd: File - Welcome

Welcome to the family Cheryl we are so happy to have you!!!! I absolutely LOVE your idea for "Esme Cullen's Guide To Making Your Home SPARKLE!" ...I would definitely buy that and figure out ways to make it part of my daily routine tehehe..Oooh and my husband had to fend for himself just like your kids one point he came up to me and asked if something was wrong (cuz I did nothing, but read for a week straight) haha and I told him the only thing that was wrong was that he was keeping me from finding out what happened next in Twilight hahaha. So anyways baby welcome to the fam...make yourself at home and let us know if you need anything at all :-)

<3 Juliana (list mommy/list owner)
   Edwardian "Go Team Edward"

For almost ninety years I've walked among my kind, and yours…
all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything, because you weren't alive yet.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.304

While you were sleeping I figured out everything,
I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me.
The Spill Canvas- Lullaby (Lyrics)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cheryl <>
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: File - Welcome
To: BellaAndEdward Moderator <>

So please tell us a little about yourself

Name? Cheryl

Where you're from?  Florida- too sunny for the Cullens :(

Your favorite book? If I HAD to pick...Breaking Dawn

Your Favorite Character and why?  Alice- I like her gracefulness and her clothes obsession, and the fact that she's good enough to get the upper hand with Jasper when they are training for the fight. Beautiful, graceful, and lethal :) Oh, wait... does it have to be Bella or Edward?

Your favorite Edward and Bella scene? The first time they kiss when she's a vampire.

Your craziest obsessive Twilight moment?
(for example: I was so desperate to keep reading that I read while pumping gas on my way to work)  This makes me happy- shows true obsession ! I read all four books in four days, staying up until three or four in the morning to finish. I told the kids that if they wanted food they would have to get it themselves.  Everything I had to do, I did as fast as I could to get back to the books. Oh, and my kids are teenagers, so they could get their own food :)

Anything else you want to tell us?
Not ashamed to admit that I am totally obsessed with twilight. I never put bumper stickers on my car. Ever.  Now I have a twilight sticker!  And one that says  Be safe. Only those brilliant people reading the book will figure that one out. Everyone else I'm speeding around will just wonder.  I was in a taco place the other day, and I was wearing a shirt that said..."Twilight, not just an obsession- an alternate reality".I saw a guy in front of me read the shirt, then poke his dad so he would read it.  I'm assuming his mom was a fan :)
    Favorite descriptive word I've found so far...twitarded.   My daughter says it suits me perfectly.   That's fine with me :) I'm still rereading the books daily, with time outs to watch some of the movie.  Now I want to Cullenize my house.  After all, Rosalie didn't spit in Jacob's food because it would have offended Esme for her to do that to a guest.  I need someone to write a book titlrd ""

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Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: Edward smothers Bella

----- Original Message -----
From: alliz5
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 8:51 AM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Re: Edward smothers Bella

--Thanks for replying back with some interesting facts.I like both Edward and Jacob since they both make Bella happy. It just seems so suffocating at times how she's under a lot of stress because she can't relax.It seems both guys have a grip on one of her arms and are pulling her back and forth like that game "tug of war".  >

Yep, that's what you call a triangle that actually works. I mean, I hated Jake until the last book but he was good for her in one way and Edward was good for her another way. It's like Jake wanted her to stay young and Edward knew she had to grow up and deal with the stuff that was going to happen with the vampires.

Notice though---Edward never wanted her to be a vampire. He raged against it because he knew how painful the transformation was and he didn't want her to miss out in anything. Also, Edward was willing to let her go if he wasn't what she wanted or needed. But I think she made her decision right from the get go---it was Edward or nothing for her. I don't think it was the old vampire wammy either---deep down she felt something for him that she just couldn't shake.

She felt something for Jake too---it's just that being young, they just seemed to bungle it right from the start. When you are older and wiser, you take baby steps not jump into the pool and hope you are in the deep end. Unfortunately, they were in the shallow end.

Jake was just as possessive at times. He took great joy in seeing that Edward couldn't do some things to ensure Bella's survival. But that's because he was young and hadn't grown up. And in the end, what goes around comes around. That is why Edward, in his wisdom and knowing that Bella would be hurt, never tried to hurt Jake. Whereas, Jake was willing to hurt Edward, not knowing it would hurt Bella.

The problem with Bella is that she seemed to have this ability to attract boys who were available. It still was there after she turned too. She was like an inhuman male magnet. It seemed to work on the other boys in school. And it worked on the lawyer and his stooge, after she turned.

Yeah, I know, I do go on. At least my hate for Jake is slowly going away. Now I'm pissed at the magazine people---every line on the front about Rob and whomever he's supposedly with (man, he must be a real dog if he's got several girlfriends now <g>) or not with, makes me wonder why I ever got into this fandom in the first place. Oh, now I remember---it was the books---not the movies. Poor Rob. : ( I feel so sorry for him having to go through all this stuff. : ( I pray one day he finds a girl who knows how to slam the door on these hollywood idiots. :: evil grin :: Prolific Peggy.

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[BellaAndEdward] Re: Edward smothers Bella

--Thanks for replying back with some interesting facts.I like both Edward and Jacob since they both make Bella happy. It just seems so suffocating at times how she's under a lot of stress because she can't relax.It seems both guys have a grip on one of her arms and are pulling her back and forth like that game "tug of war".

In, "mary davidson" <mary.davidson@...> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: alliz5
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 10:20 AM
> Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Re: Edward smothers Bella
> I just started reading Eclipse. I think Edward just smothers Bella too much. He doesn't give her any space. I know he's very protective,loves her dearly, but should give her alittle breathing room. I'm glad that she got to speak to Jacob. I know neither Jacob and Edward get a long but Bella should be able to continue being Jacob's friend. >
> The problem with Edward is that he was brought up in a time where they treated women like this. Also, the fact that he lost his mother to death, he can't go through this again---it would be too hard for him. So, the only way he can deal with this is go back to how he was brought up. His father probably did the same thing with his mother---he is just following a pattern he saw early in his life.
> I think Edward felt that Jake liked Bella more than he lead onto to Bella herself. He could read his mind but I think he could sense it without reading his mind.
> I find that both men treat her differently because of what era they were brought up in. Sure, Edward is a few years older then Jake---vampire years---but you have to remember---he died when he was 17. He's not much older than Jake in that way. They're a product of their environment---both are. And both make Bella better---Edward gives her love and compassion---Jake gives her fun and friendship. It's just that both had to change their ways before they could find out Bella would always have both of them---and they need not be jealous of that fact.
> Yes, it took me till Breaking Dawn to like Jake---and even love Edward. I can say now with talking to other's that Edward did bug me at some points---as did Bella. I was talking to a friend last night wondering why the heck Edward and Jake even was attracted to Bella. Cause she wasn't really that exciting in the book until she changed. She had major faults---flirting---being dense as heck---etc. Then I felt for poor jake and thought, well, he brought it on himself too. All three were flawed. But all three were saved by love---Edward and Bella---Jake and well, I won't let on to who.
> Well, this is what you get from watching the Jane Austen Book Club. : ) That and reading some very engrossing Angela Knight---Oh man, I love her vampire Knights, Witchly ladies, Fairy Kings, and magical dragons. : ) Prolific Peggy.
> .

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: Edward smothers Bella

----- Original Message -----
From: alliz5
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 10:20 AM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Re: Edward smothers Bella

I just started reading Eclipse. I think Edward just smothers Bella too much. He doesn't give her any space. I know he's very protective,loves her dearly, but should give her alittle breathing room. I'm glad that she got to speak to Jacob. I know neither Jacob and Edward get a long but Bella should be able to continue being Jacob's friend.  >

The problem with Edward is that he was brought up in a time where they treated women like this. Also, the fact that he lost his mother to death, he can't go through this again---it would be too hard for him. So, the only way he can deal with this is go back to how he was brought up. His father probably did the same thing with his mother---he is just following a pattern he saw early in his life.

I think Edward felt that Jake liked Bella more than he lead onto to Bella herself. He could read his mind but I think he could sense it without reading his mind.

I find that both men treat her differently because of what era they were brought up in. Sure, Edward is a few years older then Jake---vampire years---but you have to remember---he died when he was 17. He's not much older than Jake in that way. They're a product of their environment---both are. And both make Bella better---Edward gives her love and compassion---Jake gives her fun and friendship. It's just that both had to change their ways before they could find out Bella would always have both of them---and they need not be jealous of that fact. 

Yes, it took me till Breaking Dawn to like Jake---and even love Edward. I can say now with talking to other's that Edward did bug me at some points---as did Bella. I was talking to a friend last night wondering why the heck Edward and Jake even was attracted to Bella. Cause she wasn't really that exciting in the book until she changed. She had major faults---flirting---being dense as heck---etc. Then I felt for poor jake and thought, well, he brought it on himself too. All three were flawed. But all three were saved by love---Edward and Bella---Jake and well, I won't let on to who.
Well, this is what you get from watching the Jane Austen Book Club. : ) That and reading some very engrossing Angela Knight---Oh man, I love her vampire Knights, Witchly ladies, Fairy Kings, and magical dragons. : ) Prolific Peggy.



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[BellaAndEdward] Re: Edward smothers Bella

I just started reading Eclipse. I think Edward just smothers Bella too much. He doesn't give her any space. I know he's very protective,loves her dearly, but should give her alittle breathing room. I'm glad that she got to speak to Jacob. I know neither Jacob and Edward get a long but Bella should be able to continue being Jacob's friend.

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[BellaAndEdward] (unknown)

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