Volturi Moderator
I have noticed that many stories are being pulled by Fan Fiction
I think that this is a bunch of bullshit.
We have a right to write what we want to.
I think that everyone that wants to keep the smut,
Violence, and language in the stories need to review to this.
This is a petition.
Please sign this to help the faithful readers
And writers on this site get an NC-17 rating added
To the site. It will allow people to write the smut
And violence as they see fit.
So please sign this so that we can show Fan
Fiction that we do not want any more stories
Pulled. Please sign this if you don't want to lose your favorite stories.
I noticed while reading the guidelines for posting a new story that petitions are not listed as something that cannot be posted. I would just like to clarify that to everyone that has flamed me for starting this saying that I am breaking the rules, when I actually am not.
I also received an e-mail from someone and it seems that we may have found a bit of a loophole in the TOS. What she found reads:
You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to User Submissions that are inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against with respect thereto, and agree to indemnify and hold , its Owners/Operators, affiliates, and/or licensors, harmless to the fullest extent allowed by law regarding all matters related to your use of the site.
I would love it if everyone that has reviewed would send an e-mail to FanFiction and tell them that what they have been doing by asking author's to pull their stories is bullshit. The above says that readers may find things that are not suitable so that right there is a warning that if you don't like something that is posted then don't fucking read it.
Thanks so much.
I received a reply from someone that is requesting to know what
Stories have been pulled from the site.
If everyone could let me know what stories have been pulled and
Who the author is I would greatly appreciate it and
I will add the list so that everyone will know what is going on.
I want to thank everyone that has signed the petition.
If you don't agree just PM and let me know what you think, but
I really think that this is a good idea. If my stuff gets pulled that is fine.
I will continue writing my stories on other sites. I already have them posted
On two other sites, so I think that if we all band together that maybe, just maybe
We can get something accomplished with this.
I also think that the site will be losing a lot of readers and author's if
They continue to pull stories just because they have received a
Complaint about it. If you don't like someone's story then you
Don't have to read it. But don't be so petty as to have to report
Someone for what they have written.
The majority of the people that read on here read the M rated
Stories for the smut and violence that it contains.
So please sign the petition and help keep some of the great
Stories on here alive.
And please let me know which stories have been pulled.
Thanks again!
I have received a short list of stories so far that have been pulled.
If anyone else knows of any that have had the misfortune of being pulled as well
Please let me know.
Emancipation Proclamation by kharizzmatik
Fate Had Other Plans by 2twilightbitches
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich by kiki blue
The Dominant, The Submissive, The Training by tara sue me
Nilla Days and Bound Nights is being pulled by the author for all of the fuckery that goes on on this site.
Devil's Toy by rparker
The Training School Saga
Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003
A Dark New World
Multiple Stories by Jasper's Black Rose
The Perfect Wife
Unless something is done about this we are all going to lose a lot of great stories. Anyone that is an author put this on your page and have your faithful readers come and sign as well.
Thanks again to everyone that has signed the petition so far. We still need more signatures so please keep signing and tell your friends to come and sign as well.
I will try and post links to where these stories can now be found if I find them,
If any of you know where they can be found please send me a pm and let me know.
Hello Everyone! First off I would just like to say that I appreciate all of you that have signed this petition. The more people we can get to sign it the better the odds are of us actually accomplishing something. I received a PM this morning that included some of the stories everyone loves so I thought that I would share them with you. As always if anyone knows of where any other stories have gone to please let me know. There are also a couple of links to places where you can read other stories that have been pulled.
The Writer's Coffe Shop = www(dot)thewriterscoffeeshop(dot)com
Twilighted= www(dot)twilighted(dot)net
Emancipation Proclamation= kharizzmatik-ep(dot)blogspot(dot)com
A Different Forest= www(dot)adifferentforest(dot)com
The Perv Pack Smut Shack= www(dot)pervpacksmutshack(dot)com
Hunterhunting's stories= hunterhunting-hh(dot)blogspot(dot)com
Angstgoddess003= angstgoddess003(dot)livejournal(dot)com
The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster= www(dot)discerningficster(dot)blogspot(dot)com
Tara sue me= The Traing= www(dot)twilighted(dot)com
DurtyNelly= Buried Among the Begonias, Grind, I Love You Like Sid and Nancy= www(dot)thewriterscoffeeshop(dot)com
If I have missed any stories please send me a pm and let me know which ones need to be added. Thank you all so much.
One more final thing, I received an PM and was told that she found the place where there is a hit list of stories that are going to be pulled. I would highly recommend everyone going over there and letting know what is going on. I'm sure that somehow they are violating the TOS, which they complain is what we are doing with this petition.
Here is the blog site for the union that are being a bunch of fucking assholes and getting all of the stories we all love pulled.