Congratulations, sweetie. : )
Oh honey, trust me---I get where you are coming from. Fanfic is usually not a problem since the Chlex I read are from established fanfic writers I've read for a long time---although sometimes, I do run into a newbie. At that point, sometimes that is, it's not usually dropping the story for me as much as holding back sending them an e-mail, starting with---get thee a beta. It can really bring a fanfic writer down when they're just starting out. But sometimes I can say it, gently and they do understand. And they love it when you say, want me to help you---or can I suggest somebody.
Now with novels, if the PNR doesn't catch me within the first 2 or 3 chapters, I just don't read it through to the end. It's a waste of valueable time if it doesn't sing to you---you know what I mean. I mean, I find that I stay away from women who lead the charge (weird but true), threesomes, and triangles. And YA books---I find that I have read two (Twilight Saga) and loving The Chronicles of Nick from Sherrilyn Kenyon. But anything else just doesn't appeal to me at the moment. There is a new YA series coming out from Deborah Cooke that is an offshoot of her Dragonfire series. Sounds interesting. Maybe I need an established writer who writes in adult to enjoy YA books. Most just seem a little tame to me. : )
Hope that makes some sense. Again, congratulations, sweetie. : ) Prolific Peggy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 3:21 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings
I just wanted to apologize/explain about the reason my fic suggestions went from twice per week, down to just 2 in the whole month of December. Before I was single and now I have a fiance, so having someone in my life does take away from my reading time and I don't like to suggest a story that I haven't read myself yet, or at the very least read the first several chapters of.
I ended up moving during the month of December and that also took away from my reading time (such a pain!) and on top of that, what reading I did get to do... the stories that I start reading lately sound like they are going to be really good but then... I get half way through and they just aren't that great, not that they are poorly written (well a couple of them were) but a lot of stories I've started lately are just "so so" and not what I consider to be good enough for a recomendation, they don't suck me into the story enough, if that makes any sense to you.
So from now on, if it doesn't "suck me in" within the first 5-10 chapters, I'm not going to keep wasting my time reading a 30 chapter story. I do have a few stories that what's written is pretty good, but updates are VERY far in between, so I'm hesitant to suggest those stories.