Friday, November 27, 2009

[BellaAndEdward] Taylor Lautner and James Franco: Who will be a better 'SNL' host?


Taylor Lautner and James Franco: Who will be a better 'SNL' host?

When SNL announced yesterday that James Franco and Taylor Lautner would be hosting in December, I had one thought: Man, I would love to see these two wrestle. Just kidding: I thought man, James Franco is going to obliterate poor Taylor Lautner and his biceps of teenwolf lust.
In Lautner's defense, he'll be one of the youngest hosts the show has ever had — a few months shy of his 18th birthday puts him among the 10 youngest. I'm worried that we might have a January Jones redux on our hands, though: Lautner is famous for one and only one thing, and given how much the show has struggled this season to give hosts a variety of material, that's going to make writing for him pretty tough. Might he be charismatic and nimble enough to carry it anyway? Eh…live TV has slayed far mightier foes.
Which brings us to Franco. Franco hosted last year, and he did a pretty solid job — plus he's a naturally funny guy who has been in many comedies. He's also shown himself to be a really good sport about making fun of himself, which is often what the best SNL sketches come from.
I think Franco has this locked down, PopWatchers. Maybe the question is will Lautner be a disaster, or can he hold his own?
Photo credit: Lautner: Tina Gill/PR Photos; Franco: Albert L. Or

Volturi Captain



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