Saturday, May 30, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

ooh yeah that part Chapter 5. Blood Type.
it was one of thier first intimate moments because he carries her and
then drives her home! *swoon!*
i really wish that wud hav been in there too


--- On Sat, 5/30/09, Catherine Turney <> wrote:

From: Catherine Turney <>
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast
Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 8:02 PM

Omg! I did the exact same thing when I read New Moon. I was like balling my eyes out for 20 min.'s and then I was mad that Edward would do that to her. I really wanted to see that part too. They also left out the biology sence when she goes to the nurses because the smell of blood made her sick. I wanted to see that too, and why was Eric like asian?? idk !!It was still good though.
Catherine Turney

From: niki castro <brownbellanikki@>
To: BellaAndEdward@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 9:50:18 PM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

I couldn't agree more!
I think the movie should have portrayed more of Edward and Bellas actual
chemisrty and there was one scene i was eager to see that didn't get put in the movie which i was disappointed about.
The part where Edward is taking Bella to his house for the first time and she can't decide
what to wear and she ends up in her blue shirt and khaki skirt. It was the second time they
kissed and Bella fainted!
I wanted to see that so bad!
As for me though, I'm looking forward to both Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I'll go see New Moon but I will inevtiably cry as i did reading the book.  


--- On Fri, 5/29/09, mary davidson <mary.davidson@ sympatico. ca> wrote:

From: mary davidson <mary.davidson@ sympatico. ca>
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast
To: BellaAndEdward@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, May 29, 2009, 12:03 PM

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

how did they change twilight? >
Well, somebody already mentioned the fast forward to bella and edwards relationship. There was that and the fact that Carlisle and Jasper looked a little off to me. Like they were golden statues come to life---a little too much make-up for the blonde guys, I guess. At least Rose looked a bit better. There was one other thing too---near the end, when Edward was saving Bella's life---it felt so off, I cringed. Please---in the book he was never that out of control. It was like the people behind the scenes wanted to remind us of how dangerous he was---when they really barely touched on it before. It was overkill and disturbing to me. I just hope they give as much overkill to the first kiss between Bella and Jake in Eclipse, because if they want to make Edward look dangerous, they better handle it like the assault it was in the book. Movies are seldom better then the books---you have over 300 pages of description and dialogue there. But seriously, some of the points in the movie led me to know---the book is better than the movie. Don't get me wrong---it was a nice movie---but I wasn't as enthusiastic about it as I wanted to be. I wanted to love the movie---unfortunate ly, I only like it. But at least I know I made the right decision about staying away from New Moon and Eclipse. If I only like the movie of a book I love, my reaction to the books I didn't like and the movie from them---better not to tempt fate, right? : ) Yeah, I'll wait for breaking dawn. : ) Prolific Peggy. PS: Besides, already earmarked the rest of my movie money to the sequel to The Transformers- --I love Bumblebee. : )



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