Friday, May 29, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

yea i agree they fell in love to fast but it was a long book and they had a long time to fall in love but in the movie they couldn't of shot every scene or the movie would've been really long!!!

From: Catherine Turney <>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 9:43:59 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

I liked parts of twilight in the movie, but I thought in the movie that they had Bella and Edward fall in love way too fast. They skipped a couple of sences too. I did like new moon, but not having Edward in the book did get a bit depressing, but still was a realy good book.

From: Lyric Jensen <lyric_jensen@>
To: BellaAndEdward@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:58:10 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

how did they change twilight?

From: mary davidson <mary.davidson@ sympatico. ca>
To: BellaAndEdward@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 10:42:21 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

----- Original Message -----
From: tkegal
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1:17 AM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Re: new moon cast

No problems. I loved New Moon. I couldn't put it down. My big fear is that they will totally change it like they did Twilight. I already know of some changes they are planning on making, and I am not sure I like it. I am still really looking forward to the movie.
And I LOVED Eclipse too. I loved them all...
Tai >

Thanks. : )

I'm usually like that with series of books---I mean, I love most of Sherrilyn Kenyon's books but I just couldn't read one of the Baddies stories---I tried twice and it just didn't take. 

I guess I just didn't like New Moon because Edward wasn't there much. I hope they don't overdo the birthday scenes for you guys, like they did with Edward saving Bella at the end of the movie. That really disgusted me---the overkill (don't pardon the pun) was just over the hill for me. 

I did like the end of the book though. And with Eclipse---just didn't like the certain scenes at all. And I skipped one part of the book, thanks to a friend of mine, because she knew no amount of conjoling to read the rest of the series would have gotten me to do it, if I had.. It's just an issue with me---part of my past coming forward after I read one of the scenes that had me skipping the other. And why although eclipse was great in other things, I won't go near the book again. The movie---well, as with new moon, I might take it out of the library---if my friend says it's Peggy safe. : ) Sorry, old term from the X-Files fanfic reading days. : )

Nooooow---I' m scared about seeing breaking dawn---they might make it too different too. But then, I'll wait till the DVD and be warned by my friend again.

You know what really irks me though---it' s not something in the books or seeing the movie and not liking certain scenes in it---it's the gossip out there about the actors. I feel so bad for them when about 80 to 90% are just made up to sell magazines. And it's not only them---it's all celebrities. And the latest---just go see the newest InStyle. I guess I should wear blinders when it comes to check out stands. :: sigh :: I feel so bad for them. : ( But with money and fame---they have to pay a price---too steep for me, I tell you. : ( Prolific Peggy.


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