Sunday, September 27, 2009

[BellaAndEdward] Re: Midnight Sun


Hello everyone:
I am a newbie here but read everyone's posts everyday and I just had to comment on this sting...put my two cents in, if you will.
I am also older and tho I don't know Stephanie personally, what I have seen and what I've read that she's written about her writing process, etc, it's my opinion she is not waiting on Midnight Sun to re-capture an audience and make millions. Just my opinion. Stephanie has inspired me to start writing again, something I put on a back burner for the last ten years. So, having that passionate drive to put a storyline, characters, descriptions down on paper is something I personally understand. And I can feel a little of her disappointment that someone leaked Midnight Sun before she was done with could stop a writer in their tracks. That drive very well could get extinguished instantly. It's my opinion that she has found a new passionate story that she wants to work on, or the movie...and when she is ready, when that flame is back, she will get back to Midnight Sun. It's my opinion it has nothing to do with the money. And, tho I am 99.9% certain she cares deeply about her fans, I don't think very many writers write just to please their fans. They write because they must make the characters and the story in their head come alive on paper. She has that passion so the time will come. We just have to be patient and hope the time comes soon! Thanks for listening to my opinion!
Peggy in Edmonds, WA---
In, "Prue " <prue77@...> wrote:
> Money is the bottom line - nothing else matters. We, the fans, are
> disposable. There will always be six others to replace 1 lost fan. It's
> just the reality of business, and the world really. Sad..

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