hi everybody... my name is dhania .. I live in a city called Bogor, West Java, Indonesia ..
My favorite books are all books written by Stephenie Meyer ... but the favorite book is twilight and breaking dawn ..
My favorite character of course edward cullen ... I like him because he shows that he was a sincere man, he can protect the women who love him from the danger at any time ...
and he does not care if he had to sacrifice himself ..
My favorite scene is when they are playing baseball and prom night...
My favorite books are all books written by Stephenie Meyer ... but the favorite book is twilight and breaking dawn ..
My favorite character of course edward cullen ... I like him because he shows that he was a sincere man, he can protect the women who love him from the danger at any time ...
and he does not care if he had to sacrifice himself ..
My favorite scene is when they are playing baseball and prom night...
i can't wait the next movie...
i can't wait the scene when edward and bella married.. and have a children (reneesme)... uuhh.. i love this part in breaking dawn.. 
Dari: Juliana Curtis <lionluvsthelamb@
Kepada: BellaAndEdward@
Terkirim: Kamis, 16 April, 2009 13:38:54
Topik: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Fw: File - Welcome
Welcome sweetie we are so happy to have you join us in our ever growing family :-)
<3 Juliana (list mommy/owner)
Edwardian "Go Team Edward"
For almost ninety years I've walked among my kind, and yours…
all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything, because you weren't alive yet.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.304
While you were sleeping I figured out everything,
I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me.
The Spill Canvas- Lullaby (Lyrics)
all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything, because you weren't alive yet.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.304
While you were sleeping I figured out everything,
I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me.
The Spill Canvas- Lullaby (Lyrics)
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Jenni Kaeder <hawaiian_raine@ yahoo.com> wrote:
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: BellaAndEdward Moderator <BellaAndEdward- owner@yahoogroup s.com>
> To: hawaiian_raine@ yahoo.com
> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 12:56:15 PM
> Subject: File - Welcome
> Hi and Welcome to So the Lion Fell in Love with the Lamb: an Edward and
> Bella group. We are all obsessed with Twilight and can't wait to hear all
> your thoughts, questions, opinions, and so on. Thank you so much for joining
> our little family.
> So please tell us a little about yourself
> Name?
> jennni
> Where your from?
> minnesoda
> Your favorite book?
> breaking dawn
> Your Favorite Character and why?
> probably bella cuz it's in her perspective
> Your favorite Edward and Bella scene?
> the meadow in twilight
> Your craziest obsessive Twilight moment?
> (for example: I was so desperate to keep reading that I read while pumping
> gas on my way to work)
> im always reading a few scenes over and over again. the meadow, baseball
> scene, how they got back together in new moon(coming out this november) the
> tent scene with bella edward and jacob, isle esme, how she becomes a
> vampire(and about 200 pages more from there)
> Anything else you want to tell us?
> i thing midnight sun should be coming out sometime in the fall as rumors
> say)
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