Thursday, April 23, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Word of Warning: Don't believe all you read

----- Original Message -----
From: Ava Gurley
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Word of Warning: Don't believe all you read

I feel for them always having someone scrutinizing them.  And we pay big money to have them  do it.  I much prefer the photoshoots to the fans and pap pictures.   I love the personal interviews, but prefer to watch them on YouTube. >
They're like in a gold fish bowl. It's like---okay, you have no life anymore but look at all the money you get paid.
I remember thinking how easy Michael Rosenbaum had it---he played Lex Luthor with no hair so when he was out in public, he was pretty well anonymous. Maybe that's why Rob sometimes looks scruffy and he's not as pale as Edward either.
I think they probably prefer interviews done on tv or late night talk shows. They have a better grasp at what is up there cause they say it themselves. Although, better be careful what you say even on talk shows---might come back to bite you on the butt. However in print, they might say one thing to an interviewer and see something else up there---or have it out of context. Hell, maybe the crew said that Rob had BO because they didn't like his cologne or said it as a joke.
You know, at cons, I think it's more expensive to get your picture taken with the actor than it is to get an autographed picture from him or her. How do they come up with the prices? <g> Prolific Peggy.




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