...and from Stephenie herself  Stephenie Meyer has updated her official website to let everyone know that all of the lawsuit stories and rumors are 100% completely FALSE. There are a lot of things I should be doing updates on—for example, how awesome and successful the Book Babe event was, and how cool it was to meet all the other authors and hang out with them a little bit, and how much I appreciated all the tremendous support from the fans—but instead of commenting on happy things (which I admit I should have done a week ago; I was waiting for things to slow down for a day, silly me!), I'm commenting on ridiculous internet rumors so that my publicist's day will be just a little bit better. I am not being sued. No one has contacted me or my publisher to inform either of us that I'm being sued. I never had a roommate named Heidi. There is no professor in the BYU English department named Dr. Peter Benton (though there is a character on ER by that name). And most of all, I began writing Twilight exactly the way I've told people in countless interviews and events for the past six years: I had a cool dream, I wrote it down, writing it down was really fun, so I kept writing until I had a whole book. The sad thing about this silly situation is that so many legitimate news outlets reported it without doing any research at all to determine if there was any truth to the story. And at least two of these facts are really, really easy to confirm. Particularly, the one about the BYU professor. A simple on-line search can give you that information. Also, a quick call to my publisher would have cleared up the whole lawsuit story. (Kudos to the fansites who did their due diligence and debunked this rumor days ago.) I guess the moral of the story is that—big surprise—you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Seems like it's April Fool's Day every day on-line. So no worries, the filming of New Moon continues uninterrupted. And, to end this on a bright note, the filming of New Moon continues to be awesome. It's all so beautiful! Chris Weitz is brilliant. Kristen, Rob, and Taylor are beyond words. I have gotten choked up more than once on set due to their amazing performances. I can't wait to see it all put together! Steph
--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Ava Gurley <girleygirl251@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Ava Gurley <girleygirl251@yahoo.com> Subject: RE: [BellaAndEdward] Twilight Writer Sued for Plagiarism To: BellaAndEdward@yahoogroups.com Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 7:42 AM
Stephanie Meyer (Twilight) accused of "idea infringement" ? Hollyscoop reports:
Heidi Stanton, who studied alongside Meyer at Brigham Young University in Utah claims Meyers stole the vampire story from her because it's very similar to a short story she wrote while they were attending college together.
Stanton filed her lawsuit against Meyer in Utah last Tuesday, April 14th alleging idea infringement. She states in the papers, "Quite frankly, I was shocked when I began watching the movie with my husband last week. I immediately told him that she got that idea from me! I wrote a fictional short story with the same ideas when we were in college together."
IPBiz: Idea infringement?
Not to worry, EOnline says: Stephenie Meyer a Plagiarist? "A Hoax, Pure and Simple" and adds:
Most important, a spokesman for Summit Entertainment says, "There is absolutely no truth to the rumor about any interruption to the filming of New Moon. The production of the film has not been stalled or interrupted in any way and filming continues as planned. "Additionally, after consulting with Stephenie Meyer and her publishers, speculation about any claims of plagiarism are also completely not true. This is a hoax, pure and simple. "The Internet, for all of its assets, can still be an easy breeding ground for such hoaxes and detractors, and we hope that people will not be duped so easily, and use appropriate diligence before perpetuating everything or anyone that claims to have information about the Twilight franchise."
IPBiz thought the Stanford Law Review was the breeding ground for hoaxes, like Gary Boone as the inventor of the integrated circuit... http://ipbiz. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/stephanie- meyer-twilight- accused-of. html
--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Brandee Mode <morality.bites@ vyanet.com> wrote: From: Brandee Mode <morality.bites@ vyanet.com> Subject: RE: [BellaAndEdward] Twilight Writer Sued for Plagiarism To: BellaAndEdward@ yahoogroups. com Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 5:16 AM
What I wonder about, is that if it's true, why would the "friend" wait so long to do something about it?----- Original Message ----- From: Brandee Mode To: BellaAndEdward@ yahoogroups. com, tcg_bookdiscussion@ yahoogroups. com Sent: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 02:12:54 -0700 Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Twilight Writer Sued for Plagiarism
This is the alert that a friend of my just got. It's not the entire article. I would post the whole thing, but I don't have access to the internet at the moment. There is a link at the bottom for you to go read the whole thing. Twilight Writer Sued for Plagiarism Stephanie Meyer, the writer behind the wildly successful Twilight book, is being sued by a former friend for plagiarism-- and production on the follow up, New Moon has been halted as a result. Heidi Stanton, who studied alongside Meyer at Brigham Young University in Utah claims Meyers stole the vampire story from her because it's very similar to a short story she wrote while they were attending college together. Stanton filed her lawsuit against Meyer in Utah last Tuesday, April 14th alleging...
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