Wow! Amy and I had a great night last night. We got to see quite a few of the cast members and even some of the new Volturi! (SO COOL!)
First stop was Burrard street where we saw Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) out and about with her little sister. So cute! There were some rude paps/videographers who didn't stop filming her when she asked them not to take video. Not impressed! Rachelle was showing her little sister around Vancouver and she looked gorgeous! That's really cool of her to take her little sis around. She wore the coolest sandals winding gray suede strips of fabric flats with silver studs. Also loved her torn light blue jeans, black leather jacket, and scarf.
I managed to get a picture with her! She is so nice! Doesn't her hair look gorgeous? Also digging the white leather hobo bag and metal with turquoise necklace.
Here's Dakota Fanning leaving in a cab with Rachelle and her little sis. Dakota is going to be great as Jane! Our first Volturi sighting!
Please excuse the Twilight deviation guess who else I got to see? KEVIN BIEKSA! Vancouver Canucks player with his son. They were having a Canucks convention at a nearby hotel so I also got to stand one foot from Roberto Luongo, Alex Edler, and Shane O' Brien! No pics but it was STILL AMAZING! Go Canucks Go!
After dinner (at Banana Leaf Mmmmm!) we headed back downtown later that night to Blue Water Cafe in Yaletown (one of my favourite restaurants, highly recommend it great seafood). We had missed them arriving and Mandy got a photo with Rob. Be sure to check out her pic. Reports of them leaving the restaurant on Twitter were 100% false.
There was an all-cast New Moon Wrap Party and Eclipse Kick-Off Party happening at Blue Water. All the cast members were partying in a private room at the restaurant. David Slade was there to kick things off, Stephenie Meyer also, as well as Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria), Rob Pattinson (Edward), Kristen Stewart (Bella), Taylor Lautner (Jacob), Ashley Greene (Alice), Michael Sheen (Aro), Jamie Bower (Caius), Charlie Bewley (Demetri), Dakota Fanning (Jane), Cameron Bright (Alec) and I'm pretty sure I saw Melissa Rosenberg (screenwriter) there.
I saw a couple cast members holding thick manuscripts, including Rob, so I'm PRETTY sure they were possibly giving out Eclipse scripts (with David Slade, Stephenie and Melissa doesn't it seem possible?). How cool is that?
David Slade was actually really cool to fans, and gave the peace sign and thumbs up sign a few times
he actually apologized for what he said about Twilight. Didn't expect that at all! Right on David! We'll have you as the Director for Eclipse after all He was looking very Director-ly in a black zip up turtleneck.
Amy managed to get a photo with Stephenie Meyer. Only photo of the night! Stephenie was absolutely lovely and signed some books for another fan. She was really sweet and was worried about looking tired after the long night, but I'm sure you'll agree she looks amazing. Stephenie had a bright blood red purse that was totally Twilight appropriate.
We also saw Dakota Fanning, Michael Sheen, and Jamie Bower leaving into a cab. They left quite early actually. Michael was wearing a grey cargo jacket with a plaid shirt underneath. Jamie had a cute poorboy cap on, blue jeans, and a blue military-ish jacket. He had this HUGE stiff burgundy messenger bag. Wonder what he had in there
I wonder why so many of the cast members had messenger bags with them at a restaurant
. maybe more evidence for scripts?
Also saw BC boy hottie Cameron Bright
he's going to be awesome as Volturi Alec. He is seriously cute. Who doesn't love a Canadian boy?
Cameron was laughing and smiling a lot and seemed super cheerful. Sporting a backwards red baseball cab and a graphic tee.
Rob spent a LOT of time outside on the patio with Kristen. Charlie Bewley and Ashley Greene would join them from time to time, but they surprisingly spent a lot of time sitting very close together in the corner of the patio smoking for most of the night. This is not some "gossip site" making it up I saw it with my own eyes. Didn't get many photos of Rob unfortunately, but here he is standing tall with a blue plaid shirt, black pants and black shoes.
I also saw Ashley Greene and Charlie Bewley at the bar doing shots. They were there for quite some time. Go Ashley! Looked like she could keep up her drinks with Charlie just fine.
Here's Rachelle leaving the bar most of the main cast members left the bar at the same time and hopped into 2 cabs and one limo.
Guess who was in the limo together? Kristen and Rob. Still not sure anything is going on romantically there but they do seem like very close friends. Check out the huge manuscript in Rob's pocket. Gotta be a script, right?
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