Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Another rumor is heard:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Another rumor is heard:

I totally agree with you.  This whole media thing is so stupid. Why can't people just give them some space.
Kittyt >
A friend of mine told me once that there's some clause they can get in order to limit their exposure but I think mainly the experienced actors and actresses get it. In other words, maybe it's trial by fire to see who lasts the longest in this business.
You know, Taylor is lucky----I think when it comes to magazine exposure, his is mainly the teen beat. I just hope it stays that way after New Moon. The problem with being in this business, even with the limited exposure clause, it's like you have signed your privacy over to whomever. : (  And there is no clause that says the stuff printed has to be the truth. And yes, I think 90% of the stuff is false. Yep Rob is a boy and Kristen is a girl---and yes, Kristen has a boyfriend of 4 years and Rob plays the field. Which is what a 23 year old does. Or is he 20----cause my friend said that some magazine or website, etc., said that. Yes, they can't even get his age right.
The good thing is that after reading this thing about Kristen being pregnant, the comments seem to lead towards the I don't believe this at all. People are waking up---soon nobody will believe what's said about that. And by then, they will have moved onto the next new thing. Fame is fleeting, when it comes to magazine sales. Remember, aliens used to be all the rage. Now it's vampires, were-creatures, and shape shifters. Oh, wait, Merlin is an alien in Angela Knights books. But then, he created vampires and witches---and direwolves. All four combined. Interesting. : ) Prolific Peggy.


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