Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Another rumor is heard:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 3:15 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Another rumor is heard:

Kristen is so tiny that if she eats a large sandwich, someone will cry "baby bump" >

Yeah---and heaven forbid she goes into the drugstore, looking for something beside the pregnancy test boxs and picks one up by mistake.

Thank goodness the girl came up front and said, I'm not pregnant. I'm sure she did it for herself and her family first, and then the fans---can you imagine the shock of her mother finding this out in the media.  Okay now I'm seeing 'Kristen denies being pregnant in order to throw people off the scent'. Will these people ever get the upper hand with this devilish media? Not until they get tired of the hunt and move onto the next victim. Poor guys---I bet they wished they had signed a clause to have less publicity. Or at least personal stuff thrown at them. : (
This is not good---any of the personal stuff out there between the two of them that is blantent lies, that is---and will we ever really know if it's lies or not. That's where the harm comes from. It not only hurts her family and herself---and anybody else involved. It also disallusions all the fans out there. As Rob said, he had a crush on her. That doesn't mean love in my books---that means infatuation and maybe back then a little lust.  I mean didn't we all have a crush on a teen idol---in the past or the present---or even the future.  I think basically it's the same thing for him, except he's working with her, and that complicates things---and puts the media on a feeding frenzy. :: sigh :: I might be wrong about this crush but it feels like I'm right.
Hope everybody is okay.  Prolific Peggy.



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