Monday, July 6, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] FIC suggestion -- Near You Always

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 3:06 AM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] FIC suggestion -- Near You Always

Here's a story I started reading earlier tonight. As of right now there are 9 chapters and I'm only up to chapter 6 but I am loving it so far.  (Might not be for you if you are a huge Jacob fan, it does make fun of him... along with Jessica and Mike too for that matter). The author was very appreciative every time I reviewed.  If you read and review please let the author know RingThe Bella sent you.    ;) >

You know, I could understand sometimes why people made fun of Lana from Smallville but I always made sure my friends who loved her were forwarned about it. Now, I'm not a huge Jacob fan until the end but seeing him made fun of would irk me---and I do write him---so it would irk my muse too---and you don't want her irked---trust me on that fact. <g> Last time that happened---1 month of no writing. :: yikes ::  But to each their own---if you really don't like Jake---then it's going to happen---you will write him silly---or as my friend calls it---bash him. Trust me---bashing Lana is a real pasttime in Smallville. As to Jessica and Mike---heck, that wouldn't bug me at all. Jessica was okay for a while but I never liked Mike ever. As my friend Cas answered me once when I said, I know I'll like Jake eventually but is it okay for me to hate Mike period----sure---a lot of people do. <bg> But then Bella had that silly powers as a human and vampire to attract men---maybe Mike just couldn't help it. :: sigh :: And I bet it was released when she met Edward---as in he touched her or maybe a woman in love just seems to attract attention sometimes---you know, the old, you can't get what you want and then you really want it. It happens alot in fiction.

Thanks for the warning, sweetie for those of us who can't read it. You know, I seem to recall some pieces where you aren't warned and one of the main characters dies---now that makes me a little pissed. :: grrrrr :: Prolific Peggy, who's still off fanfic for a while (got so backed up with Chlex as it is) until she finishes a couple of pieces.  PS: And to add to that---have 10 more paranormal love stories to read offline---but I'm making a dent. : )



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