Saturday, July 4, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] OT: Twilighted forum

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 6:01 AM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] OT: Twilighted forum

hey there... I'm hoping someone out there can help me.  I know that the Twilighted forums are pretty popular and I finally broke down a few weeks ago, signing up. I was wondering if there is anyone on this group that is a member of the forum, or even better is there anyone here who is a moderator or admin there? I could really use some help

After registering, I got the email saying I was registered and would receive an email soon to activate me. Well guess what, never got that email so I can't login. I tried replying to "Edward" but did not get a response. It's been about 3 weeks and I don't know who else to try contacting. I searched through the HELPsection and the only email address I could find was the one for "Edward" that I had already tried. >

You know, I've had the opposite problem with joining forums. It's been like---okay, got the activation through the mail but when I punch it, the page doesn't come up. Then when I put it through google, it says it doesn't exist. I do eventually get it done but usually, but I can't remember how.

Maybe you should try to register again. Oh, and, btw---when you can get back on, I would change your password---since inadvertantly, you just gave it to us, sweetie. : ( It's okay---it happens---you get excited and forget.  Good luck. Gee---I don't know if I'm on that forum or not. So the odds are no---but who knows. I'll have to look through the throng of favorites---got an hour. <g> Prolific Peggy.


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