Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] (unknown)

ok I think I figured it out. She was suspicous about jake and how he was growing really fast and stuff and when she was in the medow with Laurent and the wolves she just noticed something about the wolf that was Jake. Sorry I have a hard time not critizizing movies that don't follow the book, thought I know they would have to shorten the movie and stuff. Kittyt09

From: SABRINA <sabrinacasali22@yahoo.com.ar>
To: BellaAndEdward@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 5:44:12 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] (unknown)

Maybe you are right.
But remember that in the books, Bella is worried about Jacob, even knowing that he is a were wolf.
So, everything is possible.
You´ll have to wait until November and me until January 2010, but please let me know as soon as you know!!!!!!

 lun 1-jun-09, Catherine Turney <kittyt09@yahoo. com> escribió:

De: Catherine Turney <kittyt09@yahoo. com>
Asunto: [BellaAndEdward] (unknown)
Para: "Yahoo group" <BellaAndEdward@ yahoogroups. com>
Fecha: lunes, 1 de junio de 2009, 11:40 pm

Hey Guy's
I was just wandering if I were wrong or not, but on the new moon new movie trailer when jake is running to save bella and she says "Jake run". I thought he haden't told her that he was a werewolf yet? I was just wandering if that was wrong or right!

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