Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Another rumor is heard:

I totally agree with you.  This whole media thing is so stupid. Why can't people just give them some space.

From: mary davidson <mary.davidson@sympatico.ca>
To: BellaAndEdward@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 9:43:47 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Another rumor is heard:

---in regards to Rob and Kristen. And as a good friend said to me today, after she debunked it on her Twitter site---I wonder why this hasn't come up before? My thoughts exactly.
Is she or isn't she pregnant? Is he or isn't he the father? Inquiring minds---really shouldn't care one way or the other. Besides, it smells like a lie---it looks like a lie---it's probably a lie.
Are they just trying to move the relationship along---no, not the people supposedly involved---- the media. After all would she be stupid enough to not use protection, if she was having sex with any man?
The reasons for using it, with anybody: Let's see:
1. STD's.
2. Unwanted pregnancy on the part of the girl and the guy.
3. Disruption of work schedule.
Besides, if she's been with her boyfriend for 4 years, and isn't pregnant yet with him, it stands to reason she makes sure she has safe sex and that includes male and female protection.
As to why she might have missed her period---well, she's in a stressful position with all the hype surrounding her---that could cause it.
I think once more, the media needs a new angle and saying she's pregnant with Rob's love child is it.
It's just another case of not believing everything you read. And another thrust into their lack of privacy. I don't think actors get paid enough to deal with this bull. I really don't. Prolific Peggy.

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