ACCESS HOLLYWOOD: LEAH AND SETH ANNOUNCED, JODELLE TO PLAY BREE Posted: 18 Aug 2009 01:40 PM PDT According to an article from Access Hollywood, Summit has confirmed the actors cast in the roles of Leah and Seth Clearwater, and have also confirmed that Jodelle Ferland will indeed be playing Bree for the third film in the Twilight saga franchise, Eclipse. Read their statements below: Principle photography on "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," is underway in Vancouver, Summit Entertainment said in a statement released today. There will be a few new faces in this third installment of the popular vampire franchise. "Along with director David Slade, several new actors are joining the TWILIGHT family including Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria, Xavier Samuel as Riley, Catalina Sandino Moreno as Maria, Jack Huston as Royce King, Julia Jones as Leah, BooBoo Stewart as Seth, and Jodelle Ferland as Bree," Summit confirmed. For the Twihards, the favorite original gang will also be returning. "Also continuing in the saga as The Cullen Family are Ashley Greene as Alice, Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Kellan Lutz as Emmett, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, and Jackson Rathbone as Jasper. Billy Burke also returns as Charlie Swan." Read more here. And welcome to Julia Jones and BooBoo Stewart! Check out their IMDB pages here and here. Okay, so let's hear your thoughts! How do you feel about these casting announcements? 
MTV: EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK AT THE STEPHENIE MEYER COMIC BOOK Posted: 18 Aug 2009 01:08 PM PDT Earlier last month, we told you the first details about the Stephenie Meyer comic book being released by Blue Water Productions. Well today, thanks to MTV, we have an exclusive first look at Stephenie Meyer in comic book form. Check out more below:
The latest in Bluewater Productions' line of "Female Force" comics, the Meyer bio will hit shelves in both a standard-size issue and a limited-run, 32-page version featuring a custom, alternate cover debuting exclusively here on Splash Page! If you're already planning to pick this one up, keep in mind that you won't be able to order the limited-edition "Female Force: Stephenie Meyer" issue at your local comic shop. The limited-edition format will only be available via Dazzled By Twilight, a retailer in Forks, Washington (the real-life town where "Twilight" is set—but you already knew that). Don't worry, though, fans who can't make the pilgrimage to Forks can order the comic online, as well as a poster-sized print of the cover. View the full-sized comic book cover here. What do you think of this comic book? Will you end up purchasing a copy? 
MTV: KRISTEN STEWART SAYS THE PAPARAZZI WANT HER SOUL Posted: 18 Aug 2009 10:45 AM PDT MTV has a preview of the upcoming September issue of British magazine, Dazed and Confused, featuring Kristen Stewart. Below Kristen talks about the pressure of the paparazzi:
Ever since they began filming the first movie in the series, the "Twilight" stars have become immensely famous. And with that fame comes all the speculation about their personal lives and the media's never-ending need to see what the group — especially its leading stars, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson — are up to at any moment of the day. It's something that Stewart addresses in the September issue of the British magazine Dazed & Confused. And it's a fitting topic following the photos that surfaced of Stewart and co-star Robert Pattinson getting cozy at a Kings of Leon concert last weekend in Canada. "The fact is, the paparazzi and most interviewers, they want your soul," she said in the magazine. "It's so scary because your persona … and I guess I now have one, because people think of me in a certain way … is all based entirely on quick snippets of crazed moments in your life. And that is what people then base their entire opinion of me on!" She added that in those interviews, people can misconstrue what she says in any number of ways. "Anything you say can come and bite you in the ass," Stewart said. "It's not even like you say things you don't mean, it's just that sometimes they come out wrong." The 19-year-old also said that when she chooses projects, she's careful to pick roles that she can relate to. "With 'Adventureland,' and pretty much everything else I've done, I've been lucky because they're characters I really identified with," she said. "Sometimes, I'll read something and it has something about it that makes you need to live it, and if you don't, it's like an unconsummated relationship." You can check out these pictures full size here. You can read the full article here. I love Kristen more every time I hear interviews from her. Her honesty is so refreshing! What do you think of what Kristen had to say? Do you like the pictures from the upcoming issue of Dazed and Confused? 
TA TALKS BACK: ARE TWILIGHTERS BEING TOO HARSH ON BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD? Posted: 18 Aug 2009 10:25 AM PDT For today's TA Talks Back, TAer Rebecca writes in about a heated topic: the replacement of Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria in Eclipse. She breaks down the details of the replacement and wonders if Twilighters are being too harsh on Bryce Dallas Howard.
Are Twilighters Being Too Harsh On Bryce Dallas Howard? By: Rebecca We've all heard about Bryce Dallas Howard replacing Rachelle Lefevre in 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse', but are the Twilighters being too harsh on Bryce? A lot of the Twilight online universe has turned against Bryce Dallas Howard for replacing Rachelle Lefevre and has vowed not to see the movie, but is it really Bryce's fault? Did she have a personal vendetta against Rachelle Lefevre that made her want to take over as the character, Victoria? Some are saying that Rachelle IS Victoria, but we've only seen her with a small part in 'Twilight' and we have yet to see her as Victoria in 'New Moon'. Is Rachelle really Victoria or is it that the Twilighters don't like the change and has nothing to do with which actress portrays Victoria? Read the complete article here Join the forum and the TA Talks Back discussions here Are you interested in writing an opinion article for TA Talks Back? Send an e-mail to: 
TA TALKS BACK: ARE TWILIGHTERS BEING TOO HARSH ON BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD? Posted: 18 Aug 2009 10:19 AM PDT For today's TA Talks Back, TAer Rebecca writes in about a heated topic: the replacement of Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria in Eclipse. She breaks down the details of the replacement and wonders if Twilighters are being too harsh on Bryce Dallas Howard.
Are Twilighters Being Too Harsh On Bryce Dallas Howard? By: Rebecca We've all heard about Bryce Dallas Howard replacing Rachelle Lefevre in 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse', but are the Twilighters being too harsh on Bryce? A lot of the Twilight online universe has turned against Bryce Dallas Howard for replacing Rachelle Lefevre and has vowed not to see the movie, but is it really Bryce's fault? Did she have a personal vendetta against Rachelle Lefevre that made her want to take over as the character, Victoria? Some are saying that Rachelle IS Victoria, but we've only seen her with a small part in 'Twilight' and we have yet to see her as Victoria in 'New Moon'. Is Rachelle really Victoria or is it that the Twilighters don't like the change and has nothing to do with which actress portrays Victoria? Should we really judge Bryce's performance as Victoria before we've even seen it, in fact before she's actually filmed any of her scenes? Did Bryce personally go to Summit and say 'I want to replace Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria', not that we know of she didn't. I believe Bryce saw a good opportunity to be involved in such a global phenomenon and took it. So is it Bryce's fault that Rachelle was replaced? I don't think it was. It was Summit who decided to replace Rachelle and I very much doubt that Bryce had anything to do with it. Summit replaced Rachelle for whatever reasons. We will probably never get the full story as to why. Despite what's been said recently about Bryce being offered the role of Victoria in 'Twilight' prior to Rachelle being cast and turning it down because it was a small role. Which it was, Victoria is only seen in 'Twilight' in a few scenes. So does it really matter that Bryce turned it down first? When Summit decided to recast the role, doesn't it only seem right that they would go back to the first actress they initially wanted to play Victoria? Yes, most of us love Rachelle's portrayal as Victoria in 'Twilight' and we will probably love her portrayal as Victoria again in 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon'. But what's done is done. There's no way that Summit is going to go back on their casting decision this close to filming. As much as the fans say they will not be going to see 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse', does it really matter? There will be other millions and millions of people all over the world that love the saga no matter who plays Victoria and will be lining up at midnight waiting to see the movie! I for one will be reserving my judgement on whether Bryce Dallas Howard is a good Victoria until I have seen the movie. So, Twilight fans, what do you think? Are Twilighters being too hard on Bryce Dallas Howard? Talk back to us… 
'NEW MOON' 'MEET JACOB BLACK' PREVIEW: HQ SCREEN CAPS Posted: 17 Aug 2009 10:03 PM PDT Earlier today, we were graced with the second official New Moon movie trailer titled "Meet Jacob Black", and I'm sure by now we've all watched it plenty of times and analyzed each bit over and over. Well now, thanks to our amazing TA Staffer Katie, we have tons of super HQ screen caps from the new trailer so you can break down each frame. Check out a preview of the screen caps below:
To view ALL of the HQ screencaps in our gallery, click here. Or if you want to watch the trailer yet again (but this time in super HD!), you can do so here. And lastly: if you're still conscious after the trailer AND the screen caps, voice your opinion on which screen cap is your favorite. I'll start…I love the Volturi screen cap (pictured above)! Wow, it looks so awesome in screen cap form! 
'NEW MOON' TRAILER: WHAT'S MISSING? AND ARE FANS NOW TEAM JACOB? Posted: 17 Aug 2009 10:02 PM PDT We have some snippets from two new articles for you today, including one from MTV and one from Yahoo! regarding the newly released New Moon movie trailer. First up, we have MTV's take on the trailer and what they think was missing and what they'd like to see more of in New Moon: The Cliff Dive — Kristen Stewart told us long ago that Bella's pivotal cinematic near-suicide will be CGI, and we've got to admit: We're still a bit concerned. Fan-made videos like this one give us an idea of some things to expect from what could be the most powerful moment in "New Moon," but so far, nothing official. Come on, Chris Weitz — cough it up! Fight Scenes — Although Catherine Hardwicke's "Twilight" won the hearts of millions of women, it won't be stealing men away from sports and "Star Trek" sequels anytime soon. Now, with male directors in place for the next two films — and increasingly darker, more action-oriented plotlines to come — it's time to start convincing the dudes that seeing "New Moon" will do more than put you in your lady's good graces. But what have we glimpsed so far? Shirtless Jacob, shirt-open Edward, shirtless wolf pack. "Fight Club" gave the same number of abs, but also brought along just as many punches to the face — so bring back the honey and chicken, already! The Vanishing Volturi — As any good Twilighter knows, the Volturi feature prominently not only in "New Moon," but also in the overall arc of the "Twilight" saga. So, why have they become the J.D. Salinger of the film series? We want full-on, official shots of Aro, Caius, Marcus and the rest. No more slowing down video clips to see if that's Michael Sheen in the background — it's time to bring out the big guns. Quil Be Seeing You — Everybody's got their own favorite quasi-obscure "Twilight" character, and mine is Jacob's "wingman" Quil Ateara. We know he's played by Tyson Houseman in the film, but we haven't seen so much as a publicity shot yet. Sure, some might laugh — but I'll be wearing a "Team Quil" shirt when I see the film on opening night. Which reminds me of a second complaint: Why has no one invented "Team Quil" T-shirts yet? It Ain't Easy Being Human— They're the nicest people in the world and the backbone of the "Twilight" film series: Mike Welch, Christian Serratos, Justin Chon, Anna Kendrick, Billy Burke and others. But although these fan favorites are among the most visible at "Twilight" conventions and other events, we haven't seen so much as a glimpse of them in the "New Moon" trailers. It's bad enough that these guys don't get to pretend they have superhuman powers, the ability to live forever or even a clue as to all the craziness going on in Forks. "Twilight" is nothing without the humanity that Stephenie Meyer injected into it — here's hoping that Weitz remembers that element as he's working all those long hours and late nights in the "New Moon" editing bay. And last up today, we have a short bit from Yahoo! Movies where they ponder the possibility that fans may be switching from Team Edward to Team Jacob after this latest trailer: The trailer closes with a Hulk-like warning from Jacob: "Don't get me upset." If making Jacob mad involves him taking off his shirt, well then I say bring on the angry! After watching this trailer (only about a hundred times!), there's no doubt in my mind that "New Moon" is poised to be Taylor Launter's turn as the saga's new leading man. But can the 17-year-old actually pull it off? And will it leave fans asking RPattz who? So, sound off TAers: what do you think was 'missing' from the trailer or what do you think they should have focused on more? Do you feel yourself switching from Team Edward to Team Jacob after this latest trailer? 
MTV: 'TWILIGHT' STARS USE NEWFOUND FAME FOR GOOD CAUSES Posted: 17 Aug 2009 06:44 PM PDT In a great new article from MTV, they do an awesome new breakdown of all the wonderful causes our Twilight stars have gotten involved in. They touch on Jackson Rathbone's dedication to the Spencer Bell Memorial, Ashley Greene's commitment to and, and more. In addition to listing the causes and the stars' efforts, we're also given a little insight into how we can help out: Ashley Greene for Do SomethingFollowing in the footsteps of stars like Kristen Bell and Rachel Bilson, Ashley recently announced that she'll be partnering with DoSomething. org to once again prove that she's every bit as kind to those around her as Alice Cullen. "Giving back is very important to me — it's why I originally got involved with, and it's what attracted me to Do Something," Ashley told us about the launch of a to-be-determined social-action campaign with the site, which encourages people to help those around them in ways both big and small. "I am eager to use my voice to encourage young people to donate their time and support the causes they care about." Jackson Rathbone for Spencer Bell Memorial Many Twilighters are big fans of Jackson's band 100 Monkeys. But in addition to simply rocking out, the Monkeys have the higher purpose of paying tribute to a friend and musician who died of cancer in 2006. "We've been doing a lot of work to keep the Spencer Bell legacy alive through," Rathbone said. "Our friend was an amazing poet, artist, musician and lyricist, and we're putting out an album of his." That record, Live & Wasted, is now on sale, along with bracelets that help raise funds to fight cancer. "I can't tell you how many letters we get in our fan mail for the band that say how much Spencer has touched their lives and how they had family members pass away from cancer," Rathbone said. "We're lucky to have all his music. He's immortal. His soul is in his music, and that's one thing I firmly believe in as an artist. You're blessed to live eternally in your art." Michael Welch for Kids With a Cause A former child actor, Welch decided early on to do something good with his fame and has spent nearly a decade working closely with an organization also supported by Hilary and Haylie Duff. "I've been with an organization for nine years now called Kids With a Cause. It's a great organization that started out as a local L.A.-based charity going to foster homes, homeless shelters, hospitals, burn centers or whatever and just hanging out with these kids," Welch explained of the group that provides help, support and simple friendship to those in need — and is now in the process of going worldwide. "We've gone to a lot of orphanages in Mexico. That's one of the most rewarding things you could possibly do, even if you're not an actor. … I got off the bus, and immediately a bunch of kids just ran up to me. They want you to pick them up! They just need that closeness, and anybody can provide that." Christian Serratos for PETA A vegetarian since age 8, the girl otherwise known as Angela Weber can sympathize with the Cullen clan's desire to be picky about what they eat. "I've been working a lot with PETA. I love what PETA does — they know what's appropriate and what's not," said the actress, who has filmed videos with her dog Gorilla speaking out against fur, dissection of frogs and animal testing for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "[Not eating meat] helps a lot of people. Like, people don't understand that eating red meats can literally be dangerous. Stop eating the red meat and you'll feel lighter and more harmonious." Kellan Lutz for Boys & Girls Clubs of America "I'm really into charity work. … Helping families and kids is something that I'm involved in, and it's really near to my heart," said Lutz, who urges his fans to visit the Boys & Girls Club site to make a donation. "Showing some love to kids, giving them a birthday and telling them that God loves you and it's OK to have fun and smile. To give them a stuffed animal and watch them be happy. We have so much opportunity, in the end, to make a difference out there." I love how generous and involved the cast is. It's very admirable and they are all great role models. It looks like they left out Peter Facinelli and all of his amazing causes, but they've covered those ventures in the past. What do you think about all of these great causes the stars are involved in? Have any of their efforts inspired you to get involved with any charities? 
NEW MOON MONDAY: SHOULD THIS SONG BE ON THE NEW MOON SOUNDTRACK? Posted: 17 Aug 2009 04:13 PM PDT Welcome to the 27th edition of "New Moon Monday"! Every week we will bring you a fan suggestion for the New Moon soundtrack. Let us know what you think of the song, and send us your ideas!
This week we have Crash and Burn by Savage Garden This is a great song for Bella and Jacob. These lyrics really emphasize the feelings that Jacob has towards Bella, and the way he cares about her. Where do you think this song could go? Sample of lyrics include: "When you feel all alone And a loyal friend is hard to find You're caught in a one way street With the monsters in your head When hopes and dreams are far away and You feel like you can't face the day Let me be the one you call If you jump I'll break your fall Lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart If you need to crash then crash and burn You're not alone 'Cause there has always been heartache and pain And when it's over you'll breathe again You'll breath again" Thanks to Tess for this week's song! Do you know any good songs for the reunion of Bella and Edward? Have another band that you hope makes the soundtrack? I have not been able to reply to all of the emails, but I do get them and hold on to all of them! Send in ideas to or send it through twitter to Evieboo. And thank you for the tweets too, I love getting your song suggestions on twitter. Don't forget to follow TA on twitter, here, to get the latest news from the Twilight world. 
'THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON': MEET JACOB BLACK PREVIEW Posted: 17 Aug 2009 02:44 PM PDT We have even more exciting news for you today. Straight from Summit Entertainment, we have the "Meet Jacob Black" preview that was shown in front of Bandslam showings this weekend, and as another added bonus, we have a new film synopsis for you! Check it all out below:
Watch in Full HD here: CLICK HERE In the second installment of Stephenie Meyer's phenomenally successful TWILIGHT series, the romance between mortal and vampire soars to a new level as BELLA SWAN (Kristen Stewart) delves deeper into the mysteries of the supernatural world she yearns to become part of—only to find herself in greater peril than ever before. Following Bella's ill-fated 18th birthday party, EDWARD CULLEN (Robert Pattinson) and his family abandon the town of Forks, Washington, in an effort to protect her from the dangers inherent in their world. As the heartbroken Bella sleepwalks through her senior year of high school, numb and alone, she discovers Edward's image comes to her whenever she puts herself in jeopardy. Her desire to be with him at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks. With the help of her childhood friend JACOB BLACK (Taylor Lautner), Bella refurbishes an old motorbike to carry her on her adventures. Bella's frozen heart is gradually thawed by her budding relationship with Jacob, a member of the mysterious Quileute tribe, who has a supernatural secret of his own. When a chance encounter brings Bella face to face with a former nemesis, only the intervention of a pack of supernaturally large wolves saves her from a grisly fate, and the encounter makes it frighteningly clear that Bella is still in grave danger. In a race against the clock, Bella learns the secret of the Quileutes and Edward's true motivation for leaving her. She also faces the prospect of a potentially deadly reunion with her beloved that is a far cry from the one she'd hoped for. With more of the passion, action and suspense that made TWILIGHT a worldwide phenomenon, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON is a spellbinding follow-up to the box office hit. U.S. release via Summit Entertainment, November 20, 2009. Now that you've seen the preview and read the synopsis: let's hear your thoughts! 
CREATION ENT. AND SUMMIT ENT. TO PRODUCE OFFICIAL 'TWILIGHT' CONVENTIONS Posted: 17 Aug 2009 02:11 PM PDT Some huge, huge news today, Twilighters. Thanks to our awesome friends over at the Twilight Lexicon, we have a big story today about the partnership of Creation Entertainment and Summit Entertainment. Creation Entertainment are the lovely people who put on all the amazing Twilight conventions across the world (check out their website here). The two are coming together to present the first OFFICIAL Twilight conventions and you can read more about this amazing new partnership below: Los Angeles, CA August 17, 2009 – Summit Entertainment and Creation Entertainment today announced a partnership to produce a series of Official TWILIGHT Fan Conventions over the next three years. The unprecedented success of both the Twilight novels by Stephenie Meyer and the feature film adaptation of the first book has created a worldwide following of passionate fans who are eagerly awaiting the release of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON, the second movie in Summit's TWILIGHT film franchise, which will be released theatrically in North America on November 20, 2009. The Official TWILIGHT Fan Conventions will offer attendees the unique opportunity to involve themselves in all aspects of THE TWILIGHT SAGA. The weekend gatherings will feature on-stage appearances by TWILIGHT celebrities, exclusive footage screenings, panel discussions, TWILIGHT themed parties, musical performances, costume and trivia competitions, auctions, autographing, merchandising, and photo opportunities. The major online TWILIGHT fan websites, including and, will be participating with special presentations at stops on the convention tour. Erin Ferries, VP of Creation Entertainment, said, "It is a delight to be involved with the tremendous excitement that surrounds THE TWILIGHT SAGA. The fans are incredibly knowledgeable about the property and have used the story as a springboard for their own creativity. The Official TWILIGHT Fan Conventions will allow attendees the chance to show off their TWILIGHT inspired artwork, writing, costumes, filmmaking, and music with thousands of their fellow fans. While the conventions will offer fans the chance to cheer for their favorite actors they are equally about gathering with like-minded folks and forming friendships based on a common devotion. We can't wait to bring some of the magic of TWILIGHT live to cities around the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom!" "The fans of THE TWILIGHT SAGA continue to be incredibly supportive of the film franchise and we wanted to find a way to allow them to immerse themselves in the films and the characters in a much more interactive setting," said Nancy Kirkpatrick, President of Worldwide Marketing of Summit Entertainment. "The Official TWILIGHT Fan Conventions will offer incredible opportunities to get up close to the characters which they have grown to love." Official TWILIGHT Fan Conventions around the country with more then 20 stops have already been announced including New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Seattle, Nashville, San Francisco, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Arlington, Charlotte, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Boston, Toronto and Portland. More information on any of these weekend events can be found at Okay, so I'm officially on the floor. This is so exciting and the prospect of actors, exclusive footage, etc. is too much for me to take in right now. I can't wait to attend! What are your thoughts on this new partnership? Have you been to a past Creation Ent. Twilight Tour stop? Do you intend to go to one of the official stops? 
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