Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Re: **For Peggy :-)) Re: [BellaAndEdward] Is it just me: Mention of Tracy:


----- Original Message -----
From: Tracy
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: **For Peggy :-)) Re: [BellaAndEdward] Is it just me: Mention of Tracy:


Well I may be small, and not as strong and powerful as "Emmett"...
But believe me, people DON'T want to mess with me...
Because when I get my dander up, there's NO stopping me... >
I believe you. : ) You can be smaller or not as powerful as Emmett but you got strength in other places---your mind and your determination, sweetie. : )
I'll tell you what happened on one of the Italian Mailing Lists where I am the Moderator...
The owner started ribbing me and dissing Robert...
It was like a CONSTANT battle between me and him on a daily basis...
When I had enough I just let him have it and LEFT... >
Good for you. : ) I actually had a problem with somebody on another list and finally had it. There was no way I could deal with them anymore. So what I didn't like this character on a tv show that she loved. I had my right to my own opinion and I never dissed the actor ever. The actor is a nice guy---however his character got to me once in a while.  But it was like their way or the highway---I took the highway---happily. : )
I couldn't stand him BASHING Rob day in and day out...
And no matter what I said to defend Robert, the owner of the group always had to have the last word...
I had plenty of friends on that list, and they all backed me up, and tried to help me out...
But it was no use...
So I felt that the only way to deal with that kind of ignorance was to distance myself from it... >
Yeah me too. I just couldn't handle the negativity I got from the person about how I felt. In fact, it was affecting me physically so yeah, I left for health reasons. And there is no way you can get me going back there ever. : ) I like it here---we can express feelings and not be jumped on.
I feel so much better now that I am free from ALL that "Negativity"
Rob deserves RESPECT...
And not being Bad-Mouthed by people who don't even know him...
Anyway, that's how I feel...
And I will stand up for him, no matter what...
Sending you ALL my LOVE!!!!
Hugs and Kisses!!!
Luv ya!
Tracy >
Well, a good friend of mine once said to me---you can not like the show; can dislike the character; can dislike how the actor acts in a role but how can you hate the person, when you've never met them. Now, with Kristen, I don't know her---she might be a nice girl---she might not be---but when I see her with Rob, it just feels off to me. Maybe it's just a feeling but he doesn't seem to be her type---and if I can see that with a picture---imagine seeing them on tv.  Doesn't mean she's a nice person or not---just that it feels contrived---set up---unreal---but that's Hollywood for you. Prolific Peggy.

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should. - Acheron Parthenopaeus"
— Sherrilyn Kenyon

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