Sunday, August 9, 2009

Re: **For Peggy :-)) Re: [BellaAndEdward] Is it just me: Mention of Tracy:


----- Original Message -----
From: Tracy
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 8:05 AM
Subject: **For Peggy :-)) Re: [BellaAndEdward] Is it just me: Mention of Tracy:


Yes, Peggy...
It's kind of gotten to the point of "Over-Kill"...
Everywhere you turn, its Twilight, Twilight, Twilight...
And then this "Robsten" thing REALLY gets to me...
They are TWO individuals, NOT one LUMP!!!
Why do people do these things...
Plus his name is "Pattinson" NOT "Pattz"!!!!
That just irks me!!!
And KStew sounds like something you want to eat for lunch, NOT a girl's name...
I think that I'm ready to burst...
Over-Saturated with TOO much information...
I think that they are using these kids as Money Making Machines...
If they DON'T stop soon, it's going to backfire, and hit them right where it hurts...
In the pocketbook...
Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Luv ya!
Tracy >
You know, I don't think it's about her at all---I think it's all about him. As I said before, if some other actress was playing Bella, then it would be her in the headlines---not Kristen. She just seems to be along for the ride and nothing else. I wonder what's going to happen when New Moon and Eclipse comes out---all of a sudden she'll be in the limelight with Taylor---or maybe a triangle. This is just getting to be too much and I think some of us are walking away in disgust---I certainly am. I feel bad for Rob---and maybe a little for Kristen since obviously she didn't know what she was getting into either. The only way to stop this is to say away from each other, I guess. But then, the writers will start making up stuff. I'm just glad she stopped that "Kristen is pregnant" thing. She's got smarts, that gal does. : ) Still, she's not the type of person I would like to meet---I feel bad for her but I wouldn't want to meet her. Him---I'll leave him to you, sweetie. : ) You would give him a motherly hug---and maybe even snarl at Kristen if she came too close. <g> Prolific Peggy. PS: You know there's a character called Bella in the BDB books. I kept having to think---this is a far different Bella than the one in the saga---and it only took a couple of tries---she was that different. : )

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