Sunday, August 9, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's Low-Key Concert Night**For Casandra Struthers


In this photo you can see
Kristen Stewart (they say you can tell it's her because she's wearing that black bracelet on her arm),
and Robert Pattinson running into a taxi cab, after the Bobby Long concert...
What do you think...
Are these photos reputable or not :-))
Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Luv ya!
Tracy >
I think that once more the press is making more of this then there is. Can't two friends go out for a night on the town to see a friend of his perform? Obviously not if they're as popular as Rob and Kristen---which is sad. : (
But if there is something more---I feel like he's taking a wrong turn with her. She just doesn't seem like the kind of girl he should be going for---from what I gather she's a bit of a wild child. But then that might be rumors---still in my heart, it feels wrong. After all, if it's true that she dropped her boyfriend of 4 years for him---whos to say 4 years from now (or sooner) she drops him too.
As to the person who's saying there is more---do we really know they said it---or that maybe they lied---or maybe there is something more and if they were any friend, they should have kept their trap shut.
I think why I feel like it's wrong is that I didn't feel anything with their portrayal on the screen. Maybe friendship but that's it. That and the fact that I think he could do way better and he's at the age that he's dating a lot of people, well, it still feels like friends going out and nothing more. If it's more---heaven help Rob---he's going to need it----really need it. :: sigh :: Prolific Peggy.

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