Saturday, August 1, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Question**For Peggy :-))


Well, actually it WASN'T a VERY "Private" moment among friends, because they were doing a public Photo Shoot of the ENTIRE cast of New Moon, out on the balcony at Comic-Con 2009...
So there were hundreds of people there watching...
Most of the films that Robert has worked on in the past have always been "indie" movies...
Not too much publicity or recognition...
Even "Little Ashes" that he starred in after "Twilight" is not that well known...
At one point in time he had said that he wanted to get OUT of the acting business and dedicate himself to his music...
I wonder if he still thinks that way...
I don't believe that he had an inkling as to what this Twilight Hysteria was going to become...
He had NO IDEA that the books were so widely known in the States, he said that he wasn't even familiar with the story before his agent spoke to him about it...
I know that he is very close to his family and friends, and they are very supportive of him and help to keep him grounded...
Hopefully, as I say, when this is all over, he will go back to England and try to relax a bit...
I truly admire this young man for his stamina and will power...
Truthfully, it would have broken a lesser man...
He is AMAZING!!!
Have a GREAT Day!!!!
Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Luv ya!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Question**For Peggy :-))

----- Original Message -----
From: Tracy
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Question**For Peggy :-))


I perhaps think they are trying to "Dispel" the Baby Bump Theory :-))
Maybe that's why they have zoomed in and circled her PERFECTLY FLAT mid-riff section :-)) >
Either that or they have no understanding of a private moment between friends. :: grrrr :: This is just getting so stupid---I can't wait until the last of the series movie is out and this will be all over.
And I'm with you as far as Robert is concerned..
I hope that once he has completed his contract with Summit for the "Twilight Saga", his life can go back to some semblance of normality...
Or at least I hope so... >
Honey, I'm pretty sure the next time he chooses a movie----well, look at the ones he's chosen since Twilight---they're not going to be as popular as Twilight is. I wonder, if he knew what he was getting into, would he have done it? Well, he's got his music to look forward too---he might even retire from the biz and do it full time. I just hope he survives the next couple of years with the other three movies. For somebody who's this shy, he's going to need his posse (best friends before the movie) and his family to do it.
Do you think that is wishful thinking on my part...
That poor kid must be going "Batty" with all the rumors that are constantly flooding the airway about him, his private life, and whatnot...
Heaven Help Us, when he does find the right girl...
Good Luck, Rob...
You are DEFINITELY going to need it!!!!
Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Luv ya!
Tracy >
Oh, he's young---and I think it's great he's playing the field---because that's what young bucks do---play the field. The thing is that the media makes too big of a thing about it. As to how it might affect him, that's why he went to his friend, Daniel Radcliffe (that's the guy who play's HP in the movies, right) to ask for his advice. So, he pretty well knows to ignore the stuff, I bet. And call his parents every week saying, hey, did you hear the latest rumor? <g> As long as his parents and his closest friends know it's all lies or half truths---he'll be okay. Nobody else matters, really.
Hey, my feeling is that as soon as this stuff is over and done with and the next big thing comes along, Rob will be back in England---go to a local pub, and meet a nice girl, either serving the ale or there for a drink. He'll forget all about this crap and find the love of his life. I wish that for him with all my heart. : ) Prolific Peggy.

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