Saturday, August 1, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Question**For Peggy :-))


Well, actually it WASN'T a VERY "Private" moment among friends, because they were doing a public Photo Shoot of the ENTIRE cast of New Moon, out on the balcony at Comic-Con 2009...
So there were hundreds of people there watching... >
Okay---not a private moment but I find it a little ick myself. :: shiver :: But then, that's just me---it just feels a weird to me---probably not to others but to me, a little. :(
Most of the films that Robert has worked on in the past have always been "indie" movies...
Not too much publicity or recognition...
Even "Little Ashes" that he starred in after "Twilight" is not that well known... >
I think he's probably had it with popular movies because he's so shy and really doesn't care to be the center of attention. However, because of Twilight, he's mobed probably, even around these little known movies he does. It'll probably take a couple of years after Breaking Dawn is out to calm down but on that day, he'll breath a sigh of relief I betcha. : )
At one point in time he had said that he wanted to get OUT of the acting business and dedicate himself to his music...
I wonder if he still thinks that way... >
Oh I bet he still feels that way. I mean, it's one thing to be in an indie film or a film that isn't overly popular---and another to be thrust into a lime light with Twilight. I bet he didn't think this would go over like it did---Twilight probably had an indie like budget and he thought, okay, there will be some followers. Yeah, some. :: sigh :: So, I think he finds it more to his taste to do music---maybe even for movies---or do a movie once in a while. But something as popular as the twilight saga---I bet he's thinking---been there, done that. So over it. After all he didn't expect all this hupla about him in the magazines. It's one thing to do a movie and have it popular---it's another to do a movie and have no privacy at all.  The only privacy he gets---using the little boys room---at least I hope he does. :: yikes ::
I don't believe that he had an inkling as to what this Twilight Hysteria was going to become...
He had NO IDEA that the books were so widely known in the States, he said that he wasn't even familiar with the story before his agent spoke to him about it... >
Exactly---that's what I said up there---boy we are so in sync today. : ) I mean, really, I didn't expect it either. I mean I knew the books were popular but really---this goes way beyond popular. Poor kid. : (
I know that he is very close to his family and friends, and they are very supportive of him and help to keep him grounded...
Hopefully, as I say, when this is all over, he will go back to England and try to relax a bit...
I truly admire this young man for his stamina and will power...
Truthfully, it would have broken a lesser man...
He is AMAZING!!!
Have a GREAT Day!!!!
Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Luv ya!
Tracy >
I admire him for not losing it. He might have said that one thing about the noise from hell but then, maybe he can't lie. Just should have said it in private---to his friends. Yep, he definitely needs his friends and family behind him---supporting him and knowing what's true and what's not true. : ) Yep, when he gets beyond this, he'll find a nice girl and settle down. Right now---hey, he's young---let him have a little fun. : ) Prolific Peggy.

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