Sunday, August 2, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Question**For Peggy :-))


I'm with you, Peggy...
You hit the nail on the head...
Robert IS like a "Breath of Fresh Air"...
That the quality about him that makes him so endearing...
Yes, I understand that he was being "Sincere" when he said that he had a "Crush" on Kristen...
But that's as far as it goes...
Nothing MORE...
Nothing LESS...
It is THEIR "Private" life, therefore they are entitled to keep it a SECRET if they so DESIRE :-))
And you're right there, too...
He is shy, as I am ALSO very PAINFULLY "Shy"...
My affection for Robert is comparable to that of a Mother to her Son...
I am 56 years old, give me a break...
I'm not a teeny bopper school girl...
He is almost the same age as my youngest son, who is 22 years old...
I DON'T fantasize about Robert...
I don't want to sleep with him...
I don't want to have sex with him...
And if EVER, which I highly doubt, were able to meet him face to face, I probably would be so scared that I wouldn't even approach him and just look at him from afar...
But if I could, I WOULD with just "Tousle" his hair, or give him a kiss on the top of his head...
I feel proud of him, and  I admire him...
I have feared for his well being...
and Physically...
I just wish him the BEST...
He deserves it...
Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Luv ya!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Question**For Peggy :-))

----- Original Message -----
From: Tracy
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Question**For Peggy :-))


That's the one thing that I admire about Robert his utter truthfulness and sincerity...
He is TOTALLY upfront with his answers...
Not rehearsed...
He is NOT "Superficial" at all...
He tells you exactly what's on his mind...
And he come across "Honest"...
Not FAKE... >
And that is a breath of fresh air in Hollywood and in a way, he doesn't fit in there that well. There's few who are like him and I  hope and pray Hollyweird (as a good friend calls Hollywood) doesn't change him ever. And if he feels like that's happening, he walks away, cleanly and completely.  Unfortunately, he was honest when he said he had a crush on Kristen---it's just that he meant crush---as nothing is going to happen---and people took it the wrong way. :: sigh :: And that 'sound likes hell' remark was pure honesty too---maybe a little white lying might not be too bad for him to do---just a balance. <g>
I also think that is part of the attraction and charisma that he has...
Not Contrived or Putting On Airs...
Luv ya!
Tracy >
I think it's the shyness too---like if you are a young girl, it attracts you because the guy isn't macho or so into himself. Or as people who are older---you just want to go up and tossle his hair and give him a big hug, saying it's going to be all right. Or give him motherly advice. : ) I feel no attraction for the guy myself but I think I feel a kinship to him because I'm just as shy too.  : ) Prolific Peggy.

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