Sunday, August 2, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Regarding the zoomed in Picture: Tracy:**For Peggy


----- Original Message -----
From: Tracy
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] Regarding the zoomed in Picture: Tracy:**For Peggy


I agree with you, Peggy...
That is exactly WHY I was wondering why this photo was posted at ALL on the net...
It was TOTALLY uncalled for... >
It's called being crass I think. It's just that he's the big thing now and whatever has his name or has a picture taken of him---it's put out there. Good lord, if they could---they would take a picture of him in the washroom, going to the washroom.  :: ewwwww ::
Like I said, I don't understand the reasoning behind WHY they are making such a big deal out of this...
Who knows...
Maybe, that's just how they get their kicks, I suppose...
They've got nothing better to do... >
That's it too. The only reason why Kristen is even there and having her picture taken, is because Rob is there. Notice---there are more pictures of him on the front of magazines then there is of her.  They're just binding their time (the people taking the photos) until the next big thing comes along. My question is---High School Musical (my guilty pleasure) is just as popular if not even more and yet, not that many pictures that I can see. How did they get so lucky? <g> Oh, wait---it's Disney and they must keep them pure? : )
But like I said, this was a public shoot, so there was nothing to hide...
Whereas the NEW video that just came out of  Kristen Steward sitting in someone's backyard late at night drinking beer is so OFF the WALL that it's NOT even Funny :-((
Okay, so she is under-age...
But she was drinking in the privacy of someone's home...
That doesn't give the paparazzi the right to go and "Spy" on her by hiding in the bushes and shoot a video of her and her friends drinking...
That should be considered STALKING...
It's so CRAZY what the media is doing to these kids...
It's down right SHAMEFUL... >
Well, that's not good. : ( As I say, the people taking the pictures see them as public property to use as they see fit. Still, if they had found them, I'm betting the cameras would have been taken and destroyed. I hope those people got poison ivy because of it. And don't get me started on the fact that there was a picture out there with Kristen and a bong---the drinking is bad enough---but a bong.  She should sue those people for doing that but it might bring it to the forefront again. : ( Can't actors do something legally to keep these people away---like a blanket thing---to cover everybody. Course, they did that, it would come to light again in the press. :: sigh :: Guess she'll just have to party indoors and have a door man there to keep the riff raff off. Can anybody say---fishbowl.
See, this is why I don't want to meet actors like this. I feel like they need their privacy. Now you guys going to a con or seeing them on a street and saying hi is one thing. But the fanboys and girls who go overboard---that's another thing. Prolific Peggy.
Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Luv ya!

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