Monday, January 4, 2010

[BellaAndEdward] Fic of the day -- Jan 4


Never Sleep In A Strange Man's Bed 
Alice's new boyfriend Jasper lives on South Carolina. He invites her & her friends to come down for a visit. Bella isn't happy to be the only single in a couple's paradise... until she ends up in his roommate's bed.
Fiction Rated: M - Romance/Humor ns_Bed
Bella, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett live in Washington, while Jasper and Edward live in South Carolina. Edward is an architect and Bella is a head-chef.  How will Alice/Jasper handle their long distance relationship and will Bella decide if she even wants a relationship? Also, how will Bella handle things when it becomes clear that one of the other chefs (James) is after her job?
This is one of my favorite stories. I get a kick out of it whenever Edward calls Bella "sugar".



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