Monday, January 31, 2011

[BellaAndEdward] Fic Of The Day -- Jan 31


Nomad                 » by eibbil
The Cullens are a large clan of vampires living in relative harmony with the wolf pack in the nearby Quileute reservation and the humans in the town of Forks. Until a nomad comes to town and shakes everything up. Vampires, E/B, AU
  (The nomad is Bella.) 
Rated: M - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 14

timeline for this story is laid out in the first chapter -- basically in this story Bella came to live with Charlie before the Cullens moved to Forks.  Bella had gone missing prior to their arrival and so none of the Cullens ever met Bella while she was human.


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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

[BellaAndEdward] Fic Of The Day -- Jan 26


My Viking             »  SheViking
Bella is captured by Vikings and brought with them to their home country where her new fate awaits. Can she ever find happiness being a slave? Will it make a difference that she is given to Edward to be his bed thrall? Rated M for old time lemons.
Rated: M - Romance/Adventure


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Monday, January 17, 2011

[BellaAndEdward] Fic Of The Day -- Jan 17


I'm in the middle of reading this one. I almost gave up on it because at the beginning there is so much angst and very little Bella/Edward interaction. But I stuck with it and I'm on about chapter 17 now and glad I stayed with it.  More info below the summary to help you decide if you want to read it.

Taking You Home           by Hope4more
What's another loss in Bella's life? Everything. Only she now has two people depending on her to pull them through. Will Wyoming hold everything she never knew she wanted?

Bella and Jasper are siblings. Their (unamed) parents died when they were young. However, Charlie/Renee are neighbors of Alice/Jasper in Wyoming. Alice, Emmett and Edward are siblings with Carlisle and Esme as their parents. In this story, Carlisle and Esme are not nice people.

Bella and Edward don't really begin interacting until chapter 10 or 11, prior to that there is A LOT of angst due to the deaths of Alice and Jasper, which results in Bella becoming guardian to their 2 small children.


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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Favorite author -- sandyk199


Thanks.  I have been meaning to read some of her works.

From: Brandee (RingTheBella) <>
Sent: Sun, January 9, 2011 12:36:22 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Favorite author -- sandyk199


I really enjoyed a story called "Take The Cake" by sandyk199 (in which Bella is the owner of a bakery-coffee shop and Edward is a well known author.) She has pulled the story since I read it because she was changing the names in order to get it published, so in the mean time, I am suggesting some of her one-shot stories and another that is a "three shot". All quite good in my opinion.

In A Flash              » by sandyk199
A series of set-backs has Edward thinking he's in for the day from hell, but it's surprising how a chance discovery can turn things around in an entirely unexpected way ...
Rated: T - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1

Tasting Notes              » by sandyk199
To get a break from the city Bella works at a distillery in Napa Valley. Introducing people to different tastes is one thing, but what will she do when her heart is introduced to someone new? All she knows is that wherever you start there's no going back.
Rated: M - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 3

Undertow              » by sandyk199
Bella likes her life the way things are, especially her morning swims at the beach. What she doesn't bet on is a few elderly matchmakers, a cunning waitress, a handsome Good Samaritan and a sea that always provides.
Rated: M - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1


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[BellaAndEdward] Favorite author -- sandyk199


I really enjoyed a story called "Take The Cake" by sandyk199 (in which Bella is the owner of a bakery-coffee shop and Edward is a well known author.) She has pulled the story since I read it because she was changing the names in order to get it published, so in the mean time, I am suggesting some of her one-shot stories and another that is a "three shot". All quite good in my opinion.

In A Flash              » by sandyk199
A series of set-backs has Edward thinking he's in for the day from hell, but it's surprising how a chance discovery can turn things around in an entirely unexpected way ...
Rated: T - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1

Tasting Notes              » by sandyk199
To get a break from the city Bella works at a distillery in Napa Valley. Introducing people to different tastes is one thing, but what will she do when her heart is introduced to someone new? All she knows is that wherever you start there's no going back.
Rated: M - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 3

Undertow              » by sandyk199
Bella likes her life the way things are, especially her morning swims at the beach. What she doesn't bet on is a few elderly matchmakers, a cunning waitress, a handsome Good Samaritan and a sea that always provides.
Rated: M - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1


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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


Yeah, that can be a bummer. :(
I'm more of a short story type of writer, myself. Sure, I've done a couple of series that have been four parts. And I've done a little longer pieces with collaborators, but my muse is a short story/poem, type of muse. But rushing something that could and maybe should be 20 chapters, isn't right, IMHO, either. And sometimes with 20 chapters, the fanfic writer can fall into the pit known as inconsistancy too---just like series can on tv. Nothing worse than a show that you used to love going down in flames because of bad writing. Case in point---Smallville. Case in point of one that hasn't---Castle. : ) Prolific Peggy. PS: Course, there's the problem of putting too much into the story---one lesson I have been taught---less is more.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


One thing that I think makes a story "ok" when it could be "great" is when it feels rushed -- the plot from the summary sounds good, but the author is clearly impatient to get to the good stuff and has them going from the first introduction to moving in and getting married within 7 or 8 chapters, instead of stretching it out to 20 chapters or so.

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Re: [BellaAndEdward] OT: Twitter vs. Facebook/Myspace


Well, I have Twitter---started it because I could follow a friend, some actors, and some authors too. I haven't been there for a while but I can tell you, 5 minutes after getting it, I went private because of the amount of questionable people wanting to read your stuff. It helps that only people who follow you can read your responses---I love the privacy of it that way.
I've heard good things about Facebook but not so much about Myspace. However, like Myspace, Facebook, or Twitter, you can get fakers. For example---supposedly Rob has a Twitter account---not. So, you have several thousand people following somebody who they think is Rob. I also have a friend who said they talked to a celebrity all time by chat---I believe it was MySpace. But I got the feeling it wasn't them since who has the time to talk to people all the time if you are a busy actor.
I guess my picking Twitter was not only to talk to my friend and follow actors and writers---it's just much easier to use and you don't feel like you have to be there everyday to update things. With MySpace or Facebook, I would feel that way. Hard enough to keep up with lists---you know what I mean. : )
With all three you just have to remember one thing---keep it as private as possible. Less is more, in other words. Hope that helps. : ) Prolific Peggy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] OT: Twitter vs. Facebook/Myspace


I have a question about Twitter for those of you who have one.  Basically the question is "why". I mean what does it do that either Facebook or Myspace can't do? Don't all three have the option of being done via computer or phone?



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Re: [BellaAndEdward] OT: fiance


Sounds like a dream.  It is amazing how many people have such great experiences online.  I am happy for you.  I do believe I remember you saying you were engaged but I read a lot of fanfiction and there are plenty of proposals there. 
I am married so I think I will skip trying the online dating.  But if I hear of someone who wants to, I will ask for the info.

From: Brandee (RingTheBella) <>
Sent: Sun, January 2, 2011 12:52:41 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] OT: fiance


thought I already had mentioned it.... I moved to a new city back in March and we started talking online almost immediately, we met in person on July 14 and he asked me to marry him on Sept 5 (Labor Day weekend). Talk about fast! We're not setting a date anytime soon though. We just moved into a new place together, prior to that, he'd been staying at my apartment, but now we have one that is "ours". The prior apartment had stairs (they were kind of steep too) which we both hated. The new place has a small enclosed yard for my cats to play in so I think we'll all be much happier once we can get things unpacked and the old place fully emptied and cleaned.  We will be the 3rd couple in my family to marry after meeting online.

(If anyone is considering trying online dating, I would really recommend the site we used, because it is truly FREE. Most sites are free to sign up, or free to send a one-sentence "ice breaker" from a list of choices, but you have to pay to send actual messages to each other. The site we used had extra feature you could pay for, but basic communication (just like email) was free. Email me if you want to know the site.)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ava Gurley []
Sent: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 15:26:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings

Congratulations on the fiance.  You could always tell us about that.


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Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


You have to counter with support---saying it's a great work but---. And you have to do it one on one---not on list or in a forum---or a fanfic site. That's paramount---you don't mean to embarrass but sometimes what you say can be taken the wrong way. Newbies are---heck, even us oldsters---can be unsure of ourselves.
You know, the one thing that sends me away from a piece---okay, two things. Spelling and when the characters are so out of character, it makes my teeth hurt. For example---Veronica Mars goes to bed with Weevil and then the next day decides that Logan is the one for her. That's not what bugged me---it was the fact that Weevil was okay with it---saying something like it's happened before---it will happen again. Now to me, Weevil would be stronger---be less okay with it and let VM know that. She might still go back to Logan but at least she would know what was what.
This tends to happen because a person is writing out of the box. You write a pairing you don't totally believe in---people will notice. I know I tried to write a Mulder/Scully once in the X-Files realm but it never saw the light of day because I'm a dyed in the wool---Skinner/Scully, forever. : ) Prolific Peggy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


I know what you mean... how do you say that you're plot idea is good, but your execution needs work, without it coming out sounding like "you suck".

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Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


One thing that I think makes a story "ok" when it could be "great" is when it feels rushed -- the plot from the summary sounds good, but the author is clearly impatient to get to the good stuff and has them going from the first introduction to moving in and getting married within 7 or 8 chapters, instead of stretching it out to 20 chapters or so.

----- Original Message -----
From: mary davidson []
Sent: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 14:05:45 -0800
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings

You have to counter with support---saying it's a great work but---. And you have to do it one on one---not on list or in a forum---or a fanfic site. That's paramount---you don't mean to embarrass but sometimes what you say can be taken the wrong way. Newbies are---heck, even us oldsters---can be unsure of ourselves.

You know, the one thing that sends me away from a piece---okay, two things. Spelling and when the characters are so out of character, it makes my teeth hurt. For example---Veronica Mars goes to bed with Weevil and then the next day decides that Logan is the one for her. That's not what bugged me---it was the fact that Weevil was okay with it---saying something like it's happened before---it will happen again. Now to me, Weevil would be stronger---be less okay with it and let VM know that. She might still go back to Logan but at least she would know what was what.
This tends to happen because a person is writing out of the box. You write a pairing you don't totally believe in---people will notice. I know I tried to write a Mulder/Scully once in the X-Files realm but it never saw the light of day because I'm a dyed in the wool---Skinner/Scully, forever. : ) Prolific Peggy.


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[BellaAndEdward] OT: Twitter vs. Facebook/Myspace


I have a question about Twitter for those of you who have one.  Basically the question is "why". I mean what does it do that either Facebook or Myspace can't do? Don't all three have the option of being done via computer or phone?


Recent Activity:


[BellaAndEdward] OT: fiance


thought I already had mentioned it.... I moved to a new city back in March and we started talking online almost immediately, we met in person on July 14 and he asked me to marry him on Sept 5 (Labor Day weekend). Talk about fast! We're not setting a date anytime soon though. We just moved into a new place together, prior to that, he'd been staying at my apartment, but now we have one that is "ours". The prior apartment had stairs (they were kind of steep too) which we both hated. The new place has a small enclosed yard for my cats to play in so I think we'll all be much happier once we can get things unpacked and the old place fully emptied and cleaned.  We will be the 3rd couple in my family to marry after meeting online.

(If anyone is considering trying online dating, I would really recommend the site we used, because it is truly FREE. Most sites are free to sign up, or free to send a one-sentence "ice breaker" from a list of choices, but you have to pay to send actual messages to each other. The site we used had extra feature you could pay for, but basic communication (just like email) was free. Email me if you want to know the site.)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ava Gurley []
Sent: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 15:26:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings

Congratulations on the fiance.  You could always tell us about that.


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Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


I know what you mean... how do you say that you're plot idea is good, but your execution needs work, without it coming out sounding like "you suck".

----- Original Message -----
From: mary davidson []
Sent: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 23:53:31 -0800
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings

At that point, sometimes that is, it's not usually dropping the story for me as much as holding back sending them an e-mail, starting with---get thee a beta. It can really bring a fanfic writer down when they're just starting out. But sometimes I can say it, gently and they do understand. And they love it when you say, want me to help you---or can I suggest somebody.

Recent Activity:


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


Congratulations, sweetie. : )
Oh honey, trust me---I get where you are coming from. Fanfic is usually not a problem since the Chlex I read are from established fanfic writers I've read for a long time---although sometimes, I do run into a newbie. At that point, sometimes that is, it's not usually dropping the story for me as much as holding back sending them an e-mail, starting with---get thee a beta. It can really bring a fanfic writer down when they're just starting out. But sometimes I can say it, gently and they do understand. And they love it when you say, want me to help you---or can I suggest somebody.
Now with novels, if the PNR doesn't catch me within the first 2 or 3 chapters, I just don't read it through to the end. It's a waste of valueable time if it doesn't sing to you---you know what I mean. I mean, I find that I stay away from women who lead the charge (weird but true), threesomes, and triangles. And YA books---I find that I have read two (Twilight Saga) and loving The Chronicles of Nick from Sherrilyn Kenyon. But anything else just doesn't appeal to me at the moment. There is a new YA series coming out from Deborah Cooke that is an offshoot of her Dragonfire series. Sounds interesting. Maybe I need an established writer who writes in adult to enjoy YA books. Most just seem a little tame to me. : )
Hope that makes some sense. Again, congratulations, sweetie. : ) Prolific Peggy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 3:21 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


I just wanted to apologize/explain about the reason my fic suggestions went from twice per week, down to just 2 in the whole month of December.  Before I was single and now I have a fiance, so having someone in my life does take away from my reading time and I don't like to suggest a story that I haven't read myself yet, or at the very least read the first several chapters of. 

I ended up moving during the month of December and that also took away from my reading time (such a pain!) and on top of that, what reading I did get to do... the stories that I start reading lately sound like they are going to be really good but then... I get half way through and they just aren't that great, not that they are poorly written (well a couple of them were) but a lot of stories I've started lately are just "so so" and not what I consider to be good enough for a recomendation, they don't suck me into the story enough, if that makes any sense to you.

So from now on, if it doesn't "suck me in" within the first 5-10 chapters, I'm not going to keep wasting my time reading a 30 chapter story.  I do have a few stories that what's written is pretty good, but updates are VERY far in between, so I'm hesitant to suggest those stories.



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Re: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


That makes sense to me.  Usually I have already read or have on my list the stories you recommend.  But, I do not think I ever disliked a story you recommended, so... do what you can when you can.  Congratulations on the fiance.  You could always tell us about that.

From: Brandee (RingTheBella) <>
Sent: Sat, January 1, 2011 6:21:53 PM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] about my FOTD postings


I just wanted to apologize/explain about the reason my fic suggestions went from twice per week, down to just 2 in the whole month of December.  Before I was single and now I have a fiance, so having someone in my life does take away from my reading time and I don't like to suggest a story that I haven't read myself yet, or at the very least read the first several chapters of. 

I ended up moving during the month of December and that also took away from my reading time (such a pain!) and on top of that, what reading I did get to do... the stories that I start reading lately sound like they are going to be really good but then... I get half way through and they just aren't that great, not that they are poorly written (well a couple of them were) but a lot of stories I've started lately are just "so so" and not what I consider to be good enough for a recomendation, they don't suck me into the story enough, if that makes any sense to you.

So from now on, if it doesn't "suck me in" within the first 5-10 chapters, I'm not going to keep wasting my time reading a 30 chapter story.  I do have a few stories that what's written is pretty good, but updates are VERY far in between, so I'm hesitant to suggest those stories.


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