Friday, September 11, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] Re: On with the newest 'Vampires' -------


----- Original Message -----
From: twiolic
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 11:33 AM
Subject: [BellaAndEdward] Re: On with the newest 'Vampires' -------


I take offense at the comment made in the clip that Twilight is for this
generations 13-14 year olds. I LOVED BTVS and Angel and I was in my
40's. Now I'm 54 and loving Twilight. It is NOT for just for teens. >

Now is this the movies and the books? Cause I have to say, as the books go along and hopefully the movies follow in it's foot steps, they do get a bit more adult---especially with Breaking Dawn and Eclipse.  I don't know what those guys were reading or watching when they made that comment but they are wrong.

I mean, I'm around your age too. I just feel that sometimes---depending on the age and experience, some stay with the books more than others. For example, because of something that happened to me in my past, I can't go near Eclipse anymore. And I have moved on to other books and authors but that doesn't mean at some point down the line, I might read Twilight and Breaking Dawn again.  What brought me to it was the fascination of something different in the vampire genre. Doesn't mean I'll enjoy any other YA books about vampires (and trust me I have tried to read them and they just didn't stick) or anything else, but it does mean I took the chance, found something I liked in the Twilight saga (and not liked too)---and that has no age limit, as far as I'm concerned.  To say, for example,  because it's considered YA books, doesn't mean that an older adult won't like that. That's silly---and eroneous.  Prolific Peggy.


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