Monday, November 23, 2009

[BellaAndEdward] What did you think of last scene in 'New Moon'?


Nov 23 2009 09:18 PM ET

What did you think of last scene in 'New Moon'?

At the screening I attended of New Moon this weekend, there were gasps of shock at the way the film ended. It certainly got my attention and left me wanting to see the third film immediately. But I wondered what Twihards would think of the ending, which didn't quite match up with New Moon, the book.
SPOILER alert: Would it have been a better ending if we'd gotten to hear Bella's answer to Edward's question, or did you like the cliffhanger ending? It also had me wondering: If a girl is willing to give up being human for an eternally damned soul as a vampire, doesn't that kind of make the answer to his question obvious? Sound off in the comments.

Volturi Captain



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