Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Re: [BellaAndEdward] 'Twilight' Stars Rob and Kristen Photographed... Not Kissing


-----Original Message-----
From: mary davidson <mary.davidson@sympatico.ca>
To: BellaAndEdward@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 2:50 am
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] 'Twilight' Stars Rob and Kristen Photographed... Not Kissing

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [BellaAndEdward] 'Twilight' Stars Rob and Kristen Photographed... Not Kissing



Really? This was just supposed to be just an Indy film?  Poor guy, I feel really bad for him right now, especially with him being so shy :( and it doesn't help matters that the studio is doing all of the movies practically either right on top of or on the heels of the last one.    When the very last one's done and in theaters and all of the excitement has *finally* died down, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Rob decides to hightail it back to England and decompresses from all of this hoopla with the safety of his family and friends.   I  hope that he survives this too. It'll probably make him think twice before accepting anymore movie roles like this once he does.   
Pixie >
Yeah, it had an indy feel to me---like the photography---sometimes it felt really stilted with the motion. And they didn't have the money they had for the first like they have for the others.
Rob was new at this---remember, he said the screams from the fangirls were like a sound from hell and if he hadn't said he had a crush on Kristen, the hollywood press wouldn't have taken it the wrong way. But you know, even if he hadn't said something, they would have taken it to the extreme it is---just make it up as you go along. :: sigh :: I think he will survive, if he can laugh at the headlines. I hope he is---I just look at them, shake my head, and walk away. :: double sigh ::
Well, they had to do the movies one on top of the other since, well, vampires don't age---and yet actors do. As to what Rob might do later after the last movie---I can see him going back to England and working on his music. It seems that is where he finds peace. And hopefully he'll also find a girl who won't let him get away with anything and love him for him---not for what he does. : ) Prolific Peggy.
 Hmm...I wonder.. Peggy,  if he hadn't been chosen to play Cedric Diggory in HP or if said character had wound up on the cutting room floor, like what happened to one of his previous characters, if he *still* would have gotten the part of Edward or if it would have gone to another actor?  I also wonder that if Kristen hadn't been chosen for the part of Bella, if Edward would've held as much pull for him as it did?
I hope that he does find a good down-to-earth sensible lady that will care about *him* and not who he portrays on the silver screen.   Pixie
.                                                                 P

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